According to the Notice No. 54 of 2011 promulgated by the General Administration of the Customs of the People's Republic of China (“the Mainland Customs”), with effect from 1.9.2011, the Mainland Customs has enhanced the control measure on the import of the frozen chicken products transhipped to the Mainland through Hong Kong. The Mainland consignees or their agents, apart from submitting the required documents for the import of Non-US frozen chicken products through Hong Kong, are also required to provide a certificate issued by Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department (“the Department”) for Customs clearance. The requirement aimed at confirming that the relevant products had not been tampered with during the transhipment period in Hong Kong.
To facilitate local traders to meet the requirement for the enhanced control measure imposed by the Mainland Customs when transhipping non-US frozen chicken product to the Mainland through Hong Kong, the Department would provide transhipment certification for these products by issuing confirmation certificate for Customs clearance in the Mainland.
The application for confirmation certificate is on voluntary basis and it is free of charge.
Please refer to application procedure in applying for confirmation certificate.
CEPA and Trade Inspection Bureau
Tel : (852)2398 5225