Data Access or Correction Requests
Data access or correction requests may be made by letter or by completing the Data Access Request Form or Personal Data Correction Request Form. The forms are also obtainable from the following places:
- Customs and Excise Department
Office of Dutiable Commodities Administration
Licence & Permit Division
3/F, Customs Headquarters Building
222 Java Road, North Point
Hong Kong; and
- Office Management and Support Units of all Major Formations.
Requests could be made by the following channels:
Customs and Excise Department,
Office of Departmental Administration
Executive Officer (Personnel)3
31/F, Customs Headquarters Building
222 Java Road, North Point
Hong Kong
(852) 3759 3841
(852) 3108 2305
GovHK Form System (for Personal Data Correction Request only)
website :