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Extension of the FTA Scheme – Transhipment Cargo from the Mainland of China to Korea via Hong Kong under the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA)

2 Jul 2019

Starting from 2 July 2019, the scope of service of the Free Trade Agreement Transhipment Facilitation Scheme (FTA Scheme) will be extended to cover cargo from the Mainland of China transhipped through Hong Kong to Korea under the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA). Under the new arrangement, traders in Hong Kong can apply for Certificates of Non-manipulation for transhipment cargo in Hong Kong heading for Korea, thereby enjoying preferential tariff provided under the APTA. In regard to the requirements of transhipment cargo via Hong Kong by Korea, the principle of application of the APTA is identical to the existing arrangement under the China-Korea Free Trade Agreement.

Upon the extension, the service of the FTA Scheme will cover the following transhipment cargo in Hong Kong under the free trade agreements signed by the Mainland of China with other countries / region:

Transhipment cargo in Hong Kong heading for the Mainland of China from the following places:
Taiwan, Korea, Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Pakistan, Iceland, Switzerland, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, New Zealand, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka

Transhipment cargo in Hong Kong heading for the following places from the Mainland of China:
Taiwan, Korea (Note) and Australia

Note: Korea Customs Service accepts traders to use the "Certificate of Non-manipulation" issued by the Customs and Excise Department to apply for preferential tariff under either the APTA or the China-Korea Free Trade Agreement.

For details of the FTA Scheme, please refer to the following documents:
Free Trade Agreement Transhipment Facilitation Scheme (FTA Scheme) Briefing NotesPDF
Free Trade Agreement Transhipment Facilitation Scheme (FTA Scheme) LeafletPDF
Free Trade Agreement Transhipment Facilitation Scheme (FTA Scheme) Application FormPDF
