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Outreach Publicity on FTA Scheme – The 9th Belt and Road Summit

11 Sep 2024

Hong Kong Customs held an exhibition for the first time to showcase its trade facilitation schemes during the two-day Belt and Road Summit from 11 to 12 September 2024 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

This ninth edition of the Summit, themed "Building a Connected, Innovative and Green Belt and Road", was a focal point for government officials and business leaders to exchange insights on multilateral co-operation and explore tangible business opportunities in areas of investment, business and trade, innovation and technology as well as green development.

Through presentation, light box installations and promotional videos, Hong Kong Customs showcased at the exhibition titled "Customs Gateway to the Belt and Road" its five flagship trade facilitation schemes. They included the Hong Kong Authorized Economic Operator Programme, the Free Trade Agreement Transhipment Facilitation Scheme (FTA Scheme), the Single E-lock Scheme, the Air-Land Fresh Lane and the Cross-boundary Express Cargo Clearance Facilitation Arrangement.

Responsible officers from various commands of Hong Kong Customs, including the Ports and Maritime Command (PMC), participated in the exhibition and comprehensively promoted to visitors with the trade facilitation schemes. Hong Kong Customs will continue to promote and take forward various trade facilitation measures to assist enterprises in exploring new businesses opportunities in Hong Kong, the Mainland of China and countries along and beyond the Belt and Road.

If your association is interested in learning more about the FTA Scheme or would like to have an outreach programme arranged, please feel free to contact our Free Trade Agreement Transhipment Facilitation Unit at 3152 0233 or email to
