Purpose of Collection
The personal data provided in this questionnaire will be used by the Customs and Excise Department for one or more of the following purposes:
- Facilitating processing of applications for the Money Service Operators Licence; and
- Facilitating communications between you / your company and staff members of the Customs and Excise Department.
Access to and Correction of Personal Data
- Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“PDPO”), you have a right of access to and correction of your personal data. Your right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of your personal data provided in this questionnaire. In accordance with the terms of the PDPO, we have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request.
- Enquiries concerning the personal data collected by this questionnaire, including the request for access to and correction of personal data, should be addressed to:
Departmental Secretary
Office of Departmental Administration
Customs and Excise Department
31/F, Customs Headquarters Building
222 Java Road, North Point,
Hong Kong

A. Compliance History and Fit and Proper Criteria
The Guideline on Criteria for Determining Fitness and Propriety and its Supplementary Guideline issued by the Commissioner set out the considerations, which the Commissioner will have regard to in considering the grant of a licence to operate a money service. The commissioner takes into account the following matters, among others, in determining whether an applicant is a fit and proper person:

B. Licensing Requirements
Applicant is required to comply with licensing requirements and provide relevant supporting documents set out in the licensing guide issued by the C&ED. Following documents and information should be prepared and furnished to the C&ED officers during the application procedures.

C. Suitability of Premises
In relation to application to operate a money service at any particular premises, the C&ED will consider the suitability of a particular premises used from the perspective of appropriateness and legitimacy of the licensee in operating a money service. As for applicant who chooses to operate a money service without particular premises, a physical presence in Hong Kong must be maintained in accordance with requirements set out in the Licensing Guide.

D. AML/CFT/CPF Obligations
As one of the stakeholders under Hong Kong’s AML/CFT/CPF regime, MSOs play an important role in supporting territory-wide AML/CFT/CPF efforts by implementing appropriate and effective Systems that help prevent criminals and terrorists exploiting the financial system; keeping records in relation to customers and transactions that facilitate combating ML/TF/PF activities; and collaborating with law enforcement agencies through the filing of suspicious transaction reports(“STRs”) to the JFIU to detect and prevent crime.In this connection, applicant should put in place effective controls in compliance with:
Thank you. You have completed the self-assessment.
Your Result:
Overall Grading | MSO Licence Eligibility and Readiness |
Green | Ready and Eligible |
Amber | Almost Ready and Eligible |
Red | Not Yet Ready / Ineligible |
Your company is ready and eligible to apply for an MSO licence, please access the C&ED’s website at and create user account to submit the licence application.
Improvement on the readiness for licence application is required. Participants are advised to read in conjunction with the Ordinance and Guidelines published by the C&ED for further details. Please see our suggestions as follows:
Criteria | Suggestions |
Criteria for determining fitness and propriety of an MSO licence applicant |
An applicant is required to have genuine intention and readiness to carry on the money service business to which it was proposed in the licence application. Where a licensee’s holding of the licence fails to fulfill the purpose (i.e. provision of money service) for which the licence was issued, could result in revocation and suspension of the MSO licence.
The Commissioner will not accept any application for grant of licence if an applicant has been exempted from the MSO licensing regime by virtue of section 25 of the Ordinance.
According to s.30(4) of the Ordinance, in determining whether an applicant is a fit and proper person, the Commissioner must have regard to:
(i) whether the applicant has a conviction within or outside Hong Kong for offence related to the ML/TF or any offence for which it was necessary to find that the applicant had acted fraudulently, corruptly or dishonestly; (ii) whether the applicant has persistently failed to comply with any requirement imposed under the Ordinance; (iii) whether the applicant is an undischarged bankrupt or is the subject of any bankruptcy proceedings under the Bankruptcy Ordinance; and (iv) whether the applicant is in liquidation or is the subject of a winding up order, or there is a receiver appointed in relation to it; Sanctions records of the applicant provides reference for the assessment on the applicant’s honesty, integrity and reliability for the operation of money service.
It is required to have financial integrity to ensure that the applicant has adequate financial resources for the nature and scale of its operations, and the financial position or solvency of the applicant would not undermine the interest of the customers and the members of the public.
AML/CFT/CPF Obligations of MSO |
An MSO must take all reasonable measures to ensure that proper safeguards exist to mitigate the risks of ML/TF/PF and to prevent a contravention of any requirement under Part 2 or 3 of Schedule 2 to the Ordinance. To ensure compliance with this requirement, the MSO should implement appropriate internal AML/CFT/CPF Systems having regard to the nature, size and complexity of its businesses and the ML/TF/PF risks arising from those businesses.
In establishing AML/CFT/CPF Systems, applicants are advised to make reference to the Ordinance and AML/CFT Guideline (For MSOs) for the statutory and regulatory requirements of an MSO. |
Risk Assessment |
The RBA is central to the effective implementation of an AML/CFT/CPF regime. An MSO is required to identify, assess and understand the relevant risks to which they are exposed and take AML/CFT/CPF measures commensurate with those risks in order to manage and mitigate them effectively.
Institutional risk assessment forms the basis of the RBA, enabling an MSO to understand how and to what extent it is vulnerable to ML/TF/PF. The MSO should conduct an institutional risk assessment to identify, assess and understand its ML/TF/PF risks in relation to: (a) its customers; (b) the countries or jurisdictions its customers are from or in; (c) the countries or jurisdictions the MSO has operations in; and (d) the products, services, transactions and delivery channels of the MSO. Besides, an MSO should assess the ML/TF/PF risks associated with a proposed business relationship. In general, the customer risk assessment framework will include customer risk factors; country risk factors; and product, service, transaction or delivery channel risk factors. |
Licensing requirements |
To facilitate the application for grant and renewal of an MSO licence, applicants are advised to examine the Licensing guide and ensure that they are compliance with requirements set out therein. The C&ED has prepared a checklist for submission of supporting documents for an MSO licence application in the Licensing Guide for applicants’ ease of reference.
In addition, an MSO is required to develop an effective mechanism in order to comply with prior approval and notification requirements specified in Part 5 of the Ordinance. |
Requirements for particular premises |
In considering whether the particular premises is suitable to be used for operation of money service, applicants may refer to the Licensing Guide which provides factors and examples on assessing suitability of the premises by the C&ED.
Requirements for LMO |
An applicant who chooses to operate a money service without particular premises must maintain a physical presence in Hong Kong, which will be its LMO and correspondence address of the business/ corporation. The LMO is a physical office which can be reached in person and through telephone by C&ED officers to perform the functions under the Ordinance, as well as receive document/correspondence from C&ED such as circulars and notices to the licensee. Applicants may refer to the Licensing Guide for relevant requirements of LMO.
Requirements for LPS |
An applicant is required to provide the information of a LPS in Hong Kong, which is a physical place for keeping the full set of books and records in respect of its money service transactions. The LPS must be under the control of the licensee so as to facilitate the C&ED officer’s access to them to perform the functions under the Ordinance. Applicants may refer to the Licensing Guide for relevant requirements of LPS.
Participants are also welcome to contact us, the Money Service Supervision Bureau, by email at or by calling (852) 2707 7837 for further enquiries.