October to December 2023

Reference number Information Requested and Released
Application Nos. 484, 866-867, 889, 892-898, 901-908, 910-911, 913-923, 925-998, 1000-1002, 1005-1006, 1009-1010, 1012, 1014-1016, 1019, 1021-1024, 1026-1029 & 1031-1037 The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods.
Application Nos. 912 & 1007 The information related to a past case.
Application No. 999 The information related to recruitment of Customs and Excise Department.
Application No. 1003 The information related to seizure of Customs and Excise Department.
Application No. 1004 The information related to number of arrests of Customs and Excise Department.
Application No. 1017 The information related to a past quotation.

July to September 2023

Reference number Information Requested and Released
Application Nos. 477-478, 731, 734, 736-740, 741-750, 753-754, 756-768, 770-773, 775-865, 868-888 & 890-891 The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods.
Application No. 751 The information related to airline complaints.
Application No. 752 The information related to Trade Controls Officer Grade.
Application No. 769 The information related to complaint mechanism.

April to June 2023

Reference number Information Requested and Released
Application Nos. 168-212, 234-269, 271-289, 291-476, 479-483, 485-601, 603-609, 611-724, 727-730, 733 & 735 The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods.
Application No. 270 The information related to Liquor Manufacturer's Licence and Distillery Licence.

January to March 2023

Reference number Information Requested and Released
Application Nos. 1, 3-13, 15-21, 23-88, 90-94, 96-98, 100-103, 105-106, 108-167 & 213-233 The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods.
Application No. 89 The information related to enforcement statistics.
Application No. 107 The information related to a past quotation.
Remarks:The disclosure log does not cover requests from individual persons/companies for information about themselves and their complaint cases, or requests for information already published or available through an existing charged service.