October to December 2021
Reference number | Information Requested and Released |
Application Nos. 66-67, 70-72, 74-78, & 80-84/2021 | The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods. |
Application No. 68/2021 | The information related to enforcement statistics. |
July to September 2021
Reference number | Information Requested and Released |
Application Nos. 44-46, 48, 50, 55-56, 58-60 & 63-64/2021 | The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods. |
Application Nos. 49 & 62/2021 | The information related to past tender exercise. |
Application No. 47/2021 | The information related to the Customs and Excise Service Welfare Fund. |
Application No. 54/2021 | The information related to management of C&E staff. |
April to June 2021
Reference number | Information Requested and Released |
Application Nos. 13-18, 20-26, 31-33, 35 & 40/2021 | The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods. |
Application No. 28/2021 | The information related to a past tender exercise. |
Application Nos. 29-30/2021 | The information related to enforcement actions of the Department. |
Application Nos. 34 & 36/2021 | The information related to personnel matters of the Department. |
January to March 2021
Reference number | Information Requested and Released |
Application Nos. 1, 4, 6-10, 12 & 19/2021 | The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods. |
Application Nos. 2-3/2021 | The information related to Anti Trafficking-in-Persons. |
Application No. 5/2021 | The information related to the Department"s student internship programmes. |
Remarks:The disclosure log does not cover requests from individual persons/companies for information about themselves and their complaint cases, or requests for information already published or available through an existing charged service.