October to December 2019
Reference number | Information Requested and Released |
Application Nos. 52, 78-79, 81-85, 87-90 & 92-99/2019 | The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods. |
Application No. 80/2019 | The information related to a past tender exercise. |
Application No. 86/2019 | The information related to personnel matters of the Department. |
July to September 2019
Reference number | Information Requested and Released |
Application Nos. 51, 55-57, 60-61, 63, 66-70, 73-74 & 77/2019 | The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods. |
Application No. 59/2019 | The information related to personnel matters of the Department. |
Application No. 64/2019 | The information related to a past case. |
Application Nos. 65 & 71/2019 | The information related to import, export and clearance of cargo. |
Application No. 72/2019 | The information related to the CCTV installed by the department at boundary control points. |
April to June 2019
Reference number | Information Requested and Released |
Application Nos. 27-28, 30, 32, 35-36, 38-39,41-46 & 48-50/2019 | The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods. |
Application No. 29/2019 | The conviction record of a company. |
Application Nos. 40 & 47/2019 | The information related to strategic commodities prosecution cases. |
January to March 2019
Reference number | Information Requested and Released |
Application Nos.1-3, 5-6, 9, 11, 13-15, 19-22 & 24/2019 | The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods. |
Application Nos.16-17/2019 | The telephone call recordings related to a past case. |
Application Nos. 7, 10 & 23/2019 | The information related to import, export and clearance of cargo. |
Remarks:The disclosure log does not cover requests from individual persons/companies for information about themselves and their complaint cases, or requests for information already published or available through an existing charged service.