October to December 2018
Reference number | Information Requested and Released |
Application Nos. 87, 98 & 111-112/2018 | The information related to enforcement actions taken by the Department. |
Application Nos. 67, 79, 81-82, 84-86, 88-97, 100-103, 105-108, 110 & 113/2018 | The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods. |
Application Nos. 109 & 114/2018 | The information related to personnel matters of the Department. |
July to September 2018
Reference number | Information Requested and Released |
Application Nos. 57-58, 62, 64, 68-69, 71, 74 & 80/2018 | The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods. |
Application No. 60/2018 | The inspection record of a vessel during a specified period. |
Application Nos. 61, 63 & 76/2018 | The information related to personnel matters of the Department. |
Application Nos. 65 & 72/2018 | The information related to enforcement actions taken by the Department. |
Application No. 66/2018 | The information related to the relevant laws and policies on importation. |
Application No. 78/2018 | The information related to the Trade Descriptions Ordinance. |
April to June 2018
Reference number | Information Requested and Released |
Application Nos. 34, 36, 38, 40, 43-44, 46-47, 49, 51 & 55/2018 | The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods. |
Application No. 35/2018 | The information related to duty payable on hydrocarbon oil. |
Application No. 37/2018 | Copies of documents related to a past case. |
Application No. 45/2018 | The information related to personnel matters of the Trade Controls Officer Grade of the Department. |
Application No. 50/2018 | The statistics relating to unlicensed export of powdered formula. |
Application No. 52/2018 | Copies of tender documents for past tender exercises. |
Application No. 54/2018 | The inspection record of a vessel during a specified period. |
January to March 2018
Reference number | Information Requested and Released |
Application Nos.1, 9, 11-13, 22 & 25-26/2018 | The inspection records of vessels during specified periods. |
Application Nos. 3-4, 6-7, 10, 15-16, 20 & 28-30/2018 | The cross-boundary movement records of vehicles during specified periods. |
Application No. 27/2018 | Copies of documents related to a past case. |
Remarks:The disclosure log does not cover requests from individual persons/companies for information about themselves and their complaint cases, or requests for information already published or available through an existing charged service.