October to December 2015
Reference number | Information Requested and Released |
Application No. 37/2015 | An examination report of a parcel |
Application Nos. 38-49, 51, 53-59 & 61-65/2015 | The cross-boundary movement records of a vehicle during a specified period |
Application No. 50/2015 | The information on imports and exports of cultural objects |
Application No. 60/2015 | Job advertisements under Post-Secondary Student Summer Internship Programme 2015 |
July to September 2015
Reference number | Information Requested and Released |
Application Nos. 27, 29-34 & 36/2015 | The cross-boundary movement records of a vehicle during a specified period |
Remarks:The disclosure log does not cover requests from individual persons/companies for information about themselves and their complaint cases, or requests for information already published or available through an existing charged service.