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Customs Announcement

Customs in Action

Customs and Excise Department WeChat Official Account for cross-boundary drivers officially launched

22 Aug 2020

Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) launched a WeChat Official Account (香港海關跨境車輛清關資訊發布) on 22 August 2020 for dissemination of information on Customs vehicle clearance at land boundary control points to the cargo industry and members of the public.

Diversified information will be available on the account platform, including the latest Customs clearance arrangements, special clearance reminders, as well as points to note for importing and exporting commodities.

To obtain the latest information, cross-boundary vehicle drivers can search for the account (香港海關跨境車輛清關資訊發布) on the WeChat mobile application or use the application to scan the the official account"s QR code below.

QR code
