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Customs Announcement

Press Release

Customs continues to swoop on illicit cigarette activities (with photo)

11 May 2012

Hong Kong Customs recently swooped on two cases of smuggling and distribution of illicit cigarettes, and seized a total of about 2.57 million sticks of illicit cigarettes valued at about $6.4 million. During the operations, five men and a woman aged from 36 to 64 were arrested.

The Divisional Commander (Anti-Illicit-Cigarette Investigation) of the Revenue and General Investigation Bureau, Mr Lee Yuen-man, said today (May 11) at the press conference, "During the operation on May 8, Customs officers seized about 2.21 million sticks of illicit cigarettes and arrested two men in a unit of an industrial building in Tsuen Wan. The seizures were found concealed in the hollow space of stacks of carton paper. Information revealed that these cigarettes, manifested as 'carton paper', were smuggled into the territory by land transport in the same morning. However, the concealment eventually could not evade Customs' detection."

Customs officers yesterday (May 10) also detected a distribution case of illicit cigarettes in the industrial area of Tsuen Wan, and seized about 360,000 sticks of illicit cigarettes in a van and a seven-seater car.

Mr Lee said, "Customs will continue to closely monitor the situation and conduct stringent enforcement actions against illicit cigarette activities."

Under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance, dealing, buying and selling illicit cigarettes are illegal. The maximum penalty is a fine of $1 million and imprisonment for two years.

Members of the public are urged to report any suspected illicit cigarette activities to the Customs hotline at 2545 6182.

Ends/Friday, May 11 2012
