Press Release
Hong Kong Customs fully supports draft Decision on establishing and improving legal system and enforcement mechanisms for HKSAR to safeguard national security
The National People's Congress (NPC) will deliberate a draft Decision for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to safeguard national security (the Decision).
The Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Mr Hermes Tang, welcomes the Decision and will strive to lead the department to perform its gatekeeping role in preventing the import and export of controlled and prohibited items into and out of Hong Kong, with a view to prohibiting acts that endanger Hong Kong and national security.
Mr Tang said that the Decision helps to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests as well as to ensure the robustness of the "One Country, Two Systems" and long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. Customs fully supports the Decision and will do our utmost in discharging our duties. The department will collaborate with other disciplinary forces in protecting Hong Kong and safeguarding national security under the guidance of the Security Bureau.
Ends/Monday, May 25, 2020