Press Release
Customs presents Authorized Economic Operator certificates to five companies (with photo)
The Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) today (December 13) presented certificates to five local companies in recognition of their successful application as Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) under the Hong Kong AEO (HKAEO) Programme, marking the successful implementation of the Programme with the co-operation between the department and its partners in the business sector.
As key stakeholders in the international supply chain, the five companies were accredited as HKAEO by the C&ED following comprehensive assessment of their compliance with the pre-determined security criteria in the Programme.
The HKAEO Programme operates in an open and voluntary certification regime. Accreditation not only ensures the security compliance of individual traders, but also realises the ultimate goal of the World Customs Organization in securing and facilitating global trade.
Since its formal launch in April this year, the HKAEO Programme has been well received by local industries and shows encouraging progress towards mutual recognition with overseas Customs administrations.
More details of the HKAEO Programme are available on website
Ends/Thursday, December 13 2012