Press Release
Customs response on an ICAC case
In response to media enquiries today (May 12) on an alleged corruption case being investigated by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), a spokesman for the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) gave the following reply:
"The Department has been providing full cooperation to the ICAC in this investigation. We will continue to assist the Commission in any matter relating to the case.
We will not comment on the present case, but 'zero tolerance' has always been, and will always be the Department's firm stance against any act of corruption.
There are well established government regulations and departmental procedures governing the handling, safekeeping and dissemination of classified information or documents. The Department will conduct further reviews as may be warranted on relevant procedures with a view to securing improvement.
A departmental Code on Conduct and Discipline has been issued to provide C&E staff with detailed guidelines on officers' conduct and discipline. Breach of conduct and discipline, if any, will be thoroughly investigated and dealt with by the C&ED following conclusion of the ICAC case.
The Department attaches great importance to staff integrity. A high-level departmental Integrity Steering Committee is in place to formulate strategy and action plans in promoting staff integrity and healthy lifestyle at all levels on a continuous basis. Our efforts are constantly reinforced to further entrench integrity in the Department.
As the case is still under ICAC's investigation, the C&ED is not in a position to provide any comments."
Ends/Thursday, May 12, 2005