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Customs Announcement

Press Release

Customs seminar assists traders to apply for preferential treatment under economic cooperation framework

28 Dec 2010

Hong Kong Customs today (December 28) organised a briefing seminar on the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) signed between the Mainland and Taiwan at Customs Headquarters Building, to provide traders with more information about relevant procedures for consignments detoured through Hong Kong to help smooth customs clearance.

Under the ECFA, more than 800 tariff items imported directly from the Mainland and Taiwan will enjoy preferential treatment from January 1, 2011. Consignments detoured through Hong Kong can also be regarded as direct consignments provided that certain conditions are met. In addition, these consignments have to be under the control of Hong Kong Customs, who will provide a certification service.

A Customs seal will be applied to ECFA consignments at the earliest opportunity when the carrier stops after entering Hong Kong to prevent any change of the content of the goods. If the consignment needs to go through a consolidation process in Hong Kong, the whole process will be supervised by Customs officers. Hong Kong Customs will issue a Customs Confirmation Certificate to the applicant for verification by the Mainland/Taiwan Customs.

The certification service is a voluntary scheme which aims to assist traders in satisfying the requirements of the destination Customs when applying for preferential treatment under ECFA. Traders who apply for the service will be charged at a standard rate.

For more information, please visit or contact 3152 0233 or 2215 0030.

Ends/Tuesday, December 28, 2010
