Press Release
Heads of disciplinary forces give the severest condemnation to violence and pledge full support to stop violence and curb disorder
The Director of Immigration, Mr Tsang Kwok-wai; the Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Mr Hermes Tang; the Director of Fire Services, Mr Li Kin-yat; the Commissioner of Correctional Services, Mr Woo Ying-ming; and the Controller of the Government Flying Service, Captain Wu Wai-hung issued the following statement today (October 2):
Recently, violence outbreak has been escalating in Hong Kong. There have been repeated occurrences of serious crime from fighting, arson, petrol bomb attack, assaulting police officers, to Mass Transit Railway station and government building vandalism and national flag desecration. The law is trampled riotously and social order being disrupted willfully, while public safety is put under extreme risk and the entire society faces challenge in an extra-ordinary scale. We must give the severest form of condemnation to all types of law-breaking activities.
All these activities go far beyond the tolerance of any kind. The disciplinary forces resolutely make it clear that we are determined to give unfailing support to the HKSAR Government and the Hong Kong Police Force to stop violence and curb disorder. We also pledge to give full support to the stringent law enforcement action by the Police.
In the past few months, the Police have been pressurised, challenged and threatened in an unprecedented degree. Apart from the violent attacks and ill-willed rumours, its officers have also been cyberbullied and even their children and families are heavily affected. It is truly admirable that despite all the difficulties getting around them, members of the Force have never been hesitant to do their utmost and perform duties resolutely in the highest form of professionalism.
The forces solemnly stress that any law-breaking behaviour must not be tolerated. We reiterate our unwavering support to the Chief Executive and the HKSAR Government in administering Hong Kong in accordance with the law. The forces will stay united, keep up morale and remain dedicated to do the utmost to stop violence and curb disorder.
Ends/Wednesday, October 2, 2019