Press Release
Four persons convicted of conspiracy to export powdered formula
Four persons were sentenced respectively to imprisonment for three months, imprisonment for two months suspended for 12 months, and fined $6,000 today (January 17) at Fanling Magistrates' Courts for conspiracy to export powdered formula, in contravention of the Import and Export Ordinance.
In June 2016, Hong Kong Customs found a 70-year-old man and three women aged between 33 and 41 distributing powdered formula for export into the Mainland at the restricted area of Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point. They were arrested and about 36 kilograms of powdered formula with an estimated market value of about $11,000 were seized.
Under the Import and Export (General)(Amendment) Regulation 2013, it is an offence to export powdered formula, including milk powder and soya milk powder, for infants and children under 36 months without a licence. To allow a reasonable quantity for personal use, the prohibition does not apply to powdered formula not exceeding 1.8kg in total net weight that is exported in the accompanied personal baggage of a person leaving Hong Kong. However, the person must be aged 16 or above and must not have left Hong Kong in the previous 24 hours. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $500,000 and imprisonment for two years.
Members of the public may report any suspected smuggling activities to the Customs 24-hour hotline 2545 6182.
Ends/Tuesday, January 17, 2017