Press Release
Hong Kong Customs teams up with US authorities to curb transnational counterfeiting activities (with photo)
Hong Kong Customs joined with the United States (US) Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the US Customs and Border Protection to conduct an operation in mid November 2016 to fight transnational counterfeiting activities. As a result, about 1 300 pieces of suspected counterfeit electronic products with an estimated market value of about $1.3 million were seized in Hong Kong.
During the operation, Hong Kong Customs enhanced its inspections of outbound express parcels, targeting electronic products destined for the US, and seized about 1 300 pieces of suspected counterfeit electronic products including mobile phones, tablet computers and chargers. This is one of the ongoing collaborative moves Hong Kong Customs has taken with international law enforcement authorities to curb transnational counterfeiting activities.
Under the Trade Descriptions Ordinance, any person who imports or exports any goods with any forged trademark commits an offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $500,000 and imprisonment for five years.
Ends/Wednesday, January 4, 2017