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Customs Announcement

Press Release

Electronic licensing system on dutiable commodities to commence in January 2017

25 Nov 2016

A Hong Kong Customs spokesman today (November 25) said that an electronic licensing system on dutiable commodities would be launched on January 27, 2017, saving traders considerable time and manpower in licence applications.

The Government also published in the Gazette today a notice to appoint January 27, 2017 as the commencement date of the Dutiable Commodities (Amendment) Regulation 2014 (Amendment Regulation) to enable the launch of the electronic licensing system.

Under the system, traders will submit licence applications relating to the import, export, manufacture and storage of dutiable commodities by electronic means, thus saving their time and manpower resources spent in the current paper application process. The system will also enable traders to receive automatic reminders of licence renewal and electronic notification of payment of licence fees, thus facilitating the timely completion of formalities as required.

To ensure smooth migration to the electronic licensing regime, the Amendment Regulation allows for a transitional period of six months for traders to adapt to the operation of the new system. During the six-month transitional period (up to July 26, 2017), traders may submit licence applications in either paper or electronic form.

Hong Kong Customs has already run briefing sessions to familiarise existing licensees with the functions of the new system. The system will be accessible through the Customs website at starting January 27, 2017. Useful information will also be available from the website. For enquiry, please call the hotline on 3759 2396 or 3759 2374.

Ends/Friday, November 25, 2016
