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Customs Announcement

Press Release

Sea Cargo Pre-shipment Declaration Scheme 2016 award presentation ceremony held today (with photos)

18 Aug 2016

The Customs and Excise Department held the award presentation ceremony of the Sea Cargo Pre-shipment Declaration Scheme 2016 at the Customs Headquarters Building today (August 18) to present Gold and Silver Award Certificates to 40 sea cargo carriers/companies in recognition of their distinguished participation in the Scheme with exceptionally high or very high submission rates.

Officiating at the ceremony, the Assistant Commissioner (Boundary and Ports), Mr Ellis Lai, said that the Sea Cargo Pre-shipment Declaration Scheme was the first award scheme launched by the department. It aimed at commending sea cargo carriers of the industry in taking proactive steps to submit advance cargo information to the department, as well as recognising their valuable contribution in improving the overall efficiency of cargo clearance which in turn enables more sea cargo to enjoy efficient Customs clearance services.

Mr Lai added that Hong Kong Customs has always been committed to facilitating trade. In addition to the continual introduction of advanced technology facilities and to simplify clearance procedures, the department also assists the industry in the saving of time and manpower in cargo clearance with a view to enhancing trade efficiency. These measures have served to maintain Hong Kong's competitiveness as an international trade centre while strengthening its status as a logistics hub.

Mr Lai congratulated the winning sea cargo carriers/companies in the ceremony and encouraged them to continue their participation in the submission of advance cargo information. He said he also hoped that the Scheme could enable carriers to better understand and support the Government's Trade Single Window development.

Since 2009, Customs has rolled out different sea cargo information submission schemes, including the EMAN Statement I Submission Scheme and the Advance Cargo Information - River Trade Vessel Scheme. All of the submission schemes have been running smoothly since their launch. The schemes allow carriers and cargo agents to submit advance cargo information to the department prior to vessels' arrival, enabling the department to conduct risk assessment more effectively and provide more efficient as well as seamless cargo clearance services to the industry.

Ends/Thursday, August 18, 2016
