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Customs Announcement

Press Release

Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected illegally imported live birds (with photo)

4 Feb 2019

Hong Kong Customs seized 60 suspected illegally imported live birds, including 20 live birds suspected to be endangered species, with an estimated market value of about $600 at Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point on February 2.

During Customs clearance for a 29-year-old incoming male passenger in the afternoon on February 2, the batch of live birds were found in two plastic bags he carried.

The case was handed over to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department for follow-up investigation.

Under the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance, any person found guilty of importing or exporting an endangered species without a licence is liable to a maximum fine of $10 million and imprisonment for 10 years.

Under the Public Health (Animals and Birds) Regulations, it is an offence to import any bird unless it is accompanied by a valid health certificate. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $25,000.

Members of the public may report any suspected activities of illegal import of live birds to Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (

Ends/Monday, February 4, 2019
