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Customs Announcement

Press Release

Hong Kong Customs detects two smuggling cases of powdered formula at land boundary control points (with photo)

25 Feb 2013

Hong Kong Customs seized 98 cans of powdered formula with a total value of $24,940 in two smuggling cases detected at the Shenzhen Bay Control Point and Lok Ma Chau Control Point respectively. Three outbound persons were arrested.

Hong Kong Customs has recently stepped up enforcement actions and worked closely with the Mainland Customs to combat smuggling activities via boundary control points. During the period, Customs officers detected a total of 98 cans of smuggled powdered formula for infants and young children onboard two outgoing seven-seater private cars intercepted at Shenzhen Bay Control Point last Saturday (February 23) and Lok Ma Chau Control Point today (February 25).

Last Saturday, Customs officers at Shenzhen Bay Control Point intercepted an outgoing seven-seater private car for inspection and found 38 cans of undeclared powdered formula inside the passenger compartment and rear part of the private car. The 31-year-old male passenger and 35-year-old female passenger onboard the private car were immediately arrested for "exporting unmanifested cargo" under the Import and Export Ordinance.

This morning, Customs officers at Lok Ma Chau Control Point detected another smuggling case in which an outgoing seven-seater private car was used to smuggle 60 cans of undeclared powdered formula outside Hong Kong. The 23-year-old male driver was arrested.

It is noticed that under the stringent Customs enforcement taken against smuggling activities of parallel traders, smugglers have shifted to the vehicular channel for smuggling parallel-traded goods. Hong Kong Customs will continue the rigorous enforcement and co-operate closely with the Mainland Customs so as to enhance the enforcement against smuggling of powdered formula by vehicles.

Smuggling is a serious offence under the Import and Export Ordinance. The maximum penalty is a fine of $2 million and imprisonment for seven years. Members of the public are appealed to report any suspected smuggling activities through the 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 of Hong Kong Customs.

Ends/Monday, February 25 2013