Press Release
Customs reminds public not to import poultry illegally (with photo)
Hong Kong Customs today (September 25) reminds the public not to bring into Hong Kong live poultry illegally, or they will face prosecution.
Customs officers of Ports and Maritime Command yesterday (September 24) seized four live chickens and two live ducks on board a Mainland river trade vessel at Tuen Mun Immigration Anchorage. The seizure value was $800.
A 52-year-old Mainland crewman was arrested.
It was believed that the poultry was kept for private consumption by the crewmen.
The case was handed over to Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department for follow-up action.
Under Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Chemical Residues) Regulation of the Public Health (Animals and Birds) Ordinance, Cap 139, it is an offence to bring into Hong Kong any food animal without valid certificate issued by a competent veterinary authority of the exporting origin. The maximum penalty is a fine of $100,000.
Ends/Tuesday, September 25, 2007