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Customs Announcement

Press Release

Customs reminds public not to bring into Hong Kong illicit fresh chicken (with photo)

18 Sep 2007

Hong Kong Customs today (September 18) reminds members of the public not to bring into Hong Kong illicit fresh chicken, or they might face prosecution.

Shortly before 11.30am today, Customs officers of Shenzhen Bay Control Point seized from a 54-year-old woman, arriving from Shekou, 4.5kg fresh chicken, worth about $135.

The case was handed over to the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department for follow-up action.

The spokesman reminded the public to obtain a certificate from the official authority of exporting country before importing meat or chilled/frozen poultry meat into Hong Kong.

Under the Imported Game, Meat and Poultry Regulations of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, Chapter 132, it is an offence to bring into Hong Kong any meat or poultry without an official certificate. The maximum penalty is a fine of $50,000 and an imprisonment for six months.

Ends/Tuesday, September 18, 2007
