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Customs Announcement

Press Release

Customs seizes unmanifested mobile phone parts (with photo)

12 Sep 2007

Customs officers of Lok Ma Chau Control Point foiled a smuggling case today (September 12), resulting in the seizure of $120,000 worth of mobile phone parts.

Shortly before 10.30am, Customs officers intercepted and searched a departing private car. They uncovered a batch of mobile phone parts, namely 630 pieces of LCD display and 356 integrated circuit boards, hidden inside a false compartment underneath the vehicle headlights.

A male Hong Kong driver, aged 44, was arrested.

Any person found exporting unmanifested cargo out of Hong Kong will be charged under the Import and Export Ordinance. Upon conviction, the person will face the maximum penalty of a fine of $2 million and an imprisonment for seven years.

Under the Import and Export Ordinance, any person found making use of the altered fitting of vehicle for the purpose of smuggling will be charged. The maximum penalty is a fine of $2 million and an imprisonment for seven years. The vehicle involved is liable to forfeiture.

Ends/Wednesday, September 12, 2007
