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Customs Announcement

Press Release

Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected rhino horns at airport (with photos)

17 May 2016

Hong Kong Customs seized five pieces of suspected rhino horn, weighing about 10 kilograms in total and with an estimated value of about $2 million, in an express air parcel at Hong Kong International Airport on May 14.

During cargo examination, Customs officers screened an inbound consignment declared as "resin crafts" originating from South Africa. Suspicious images of the cargo were found under X-ray inspection. After opening the consignment, Customs officers found the suspected rhino horns.

Upon follow-up investigation, a 61-year-old man was arrested yesterday (May 16). He has been released on bail pending further investigation.

Under the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance, any person found guilty of importing an endangered species without a licence is liable to a maximum fine of $5 million and imprisonment for two years.

Ends/Tuesday, May 17, 2016
