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Customs Announcement

Press Release

Hong Kong Customs detects suspected sea-smuggling case (with photos)

26 Mar 2016

Hong Kong Customs detected a suspected case of smuggling and seized suspected illicit cigarettes, suspected duty-not-paid motor spirit and manufactured fireworks, valued at about $120,000 in total with duty potential of about $80,000, from a motorised sampan in the southern waters of Hong Kong yesterday (March 25).

Yesterday afternoon Customs officers intercepted a suspicious motorised sampan in the southern waters off Cheung Chau. A total of about 40 000 sticks of suspected illicit cigarettes, 150 litres of suspected duty-not-paid motor spirit and 26 kilograms of manufactured fireworks were found on board. One man and two women, aged between 55 and 69, on board were arrested and the motorised sampan was also detained. The case is still under investigation.

Under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance, anyone involved in dealing with or possessing illicit cigarettes or motor spirit commits an offence. The maximum penalty on conviction is imprisonment for two years and a fine of $1 million. Under the Dangerous Goods Ordinance, anyone involved in possessing manufactured fireworks commits an offence. The maximum penalty on conviction is imprisonment for six months and a fine of $25,000.

Members of the public are urged to report any suspected smuggling activities to the Customs' 24-hour hotline at 2545 6182.

Ends/Saturday, March 26, 2016
