Human Resources Management

The department's human resources management programme aims at strengthening the capabilities of staff in achieving the department's mission and in delivering business results in a more efficient and effective manner. Through adopting an independent, open and fair recruitment system; setting up posting panels; implementing promotion qualifying examinations; convening promotion boards; and drawing on a new performance management system, the department achieved an effective human resources management in 2005-06. Moreover, the Departmental Training Steering Committee employed a comprehensive training and development policy to equip staff with diversified job-related skills so as to cope with the increasing demands arising from changing environment.
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Promotion of Staff Integrity and "Healthy Lifestyle"

In maintaining a responsible and reliable workforce, the department continues to develop a strong culture of professional ethic and probity among staff. Over the past two years, the department has launched a series of educational and publicity campaigns on staff integrity and healthy lifestyle: 

  • An inspiring video entitled “Staff Integrity – Professional Commitment”  to instill the core value of integrity.
  • A guide on “Work-life Balance” to inculcate a positive and balanced attitude towards work and life.
  • Quarterly newsletter “The Pine” to emphasize a proactive outlook on psychological well-being.

On publicity campaign, the department organized a Departmental Seminar cum Gala Day in May 2005 to highlight the importance of integrity and simple family living. In February 2006, another seminar dedicated to the “Work-life Enhancement” theme was held. Free health services were provided for staff on the spot in order to reinforce their understanding of healthy mind and body, as well as a good work-life balance.

To further strengthen the perception of healthy lifestyle and physical fitness, the department launched a “Physical Health Promotion Campaign” in June 2006 with a series of momentous activities. The 2nd Anniversary Ceremony of “The Pine” was held in October 2006 which summarized and highlighted the work initiated on the promotion of healthy lifestyle and staff Integrity.

The World Customs Organization (WCO) has published a Compendium of Integrity Best Practices in 2005 for Member Administrations to share their best practices. The document identifies the most successful operational standards or strategies of Member Administrations and assists other Member Administrations in implementing integrity development programmes. The integrity management practices of the department have been adopted and incorporated in the Compendium.

In the years ahead, we will strive to fortify a clean and honest culture in the department.
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Performance Management

In order to ensure an honest, objective and comprehensive assessment of performance, the department implemented in 2005-06 the performance management systems that had put in place assessment panels and adopted various performance management tools for the Superintendent grade, the Inspectorate grade and the Customs Officer grade.

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Management of Staff Indebtedness

During the years of 2005 and 2006, the number of staff members with unmanageable debts was declining. The department continues to promote and reinforce a culture of prudent financial management. Internal guidelines are regularly updated to set out the actions required for both individual staff and management at various levels to prevent, identify and manage indebtedness within the department.

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The number of cases warranting the institution of disciplinary proceedings against officers under the Customs and Excise Service Ordinance was significantly dropped from six in 2005 to four in 2006. These cases involved a total of 12 disciplinary offences laid against 11 officers which mainly related to neglecting to obey lawful order, failing to perform his duty promptly and diligently, by conduct prejudicing the good order and discipline of the Customs and Excise Service, and absence from duty without leave or good cause . The nature of the disciplinary offences in 2005 and 2006 is illustrated below.

The department has continued to spare no effort in sustaining a high standard of conduct and discipline among staff.

  • In the years of 2005 and 2006, a departmental booklet on “Conduct and Discipline” was issued to all staff of the department illustrating common misconduct committed by our staff, case analysis and smart tips to avoid committing criminal/disciplinary offences was distributed to all staff.
  • Articles on discipline-related issues have been published quarterly in the healthy lifestyle newsletter “The Pine”. Through various educational and promotional tools, the department helped staff avoid committing criminal/disciplinary offences as well as strengthened their awareness of the importance of staff integrity.
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Welfare, Sports and Recreation

The Staff Relations Group (SRG) manages 1 585 departmental quarters, two holiday houses and one physical fitness room. It also provides assistance to retired members of the department.

The SRG assisted the Departmental Sports and Recreation Club in organizing over 120 sports and recreational events including charitable activities and inter-command competitions.

In 2005 and 2006 respectively, 64 officers and 73 officers in various commands were designated as Health and Welfare Managers. In addition to conducting periodic welfare visits, they act as contact points for officers in need of assistance on welfare, health or job-related matters.

Apart from in-house assistance, the department has also commissioned the Christian Family Service Centre to provide counselling services for individual officers and their family members, including a 24-hour telephone hotline for instant counselling and face-to-face counselling by professional social workers. The agency also provided training sessions to Health and Welfare Managers on counselling skills and knowledge.

The Torch Run

Booklet on “Conduct and Discipline” and video on “Integrity – Professional Commitment”

Departmental Seminar cum Work-life Balance Activity

Departmental Seminar cum Gala Day


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Information and Publicity

The Information Unit is responsible for the department's media relations, publicity, publications, and public relations activities aiming at explaining to the public the work of the department and enhancing the department's public image.

In line with the government's open policy, the Unit makes full use of the mass media, in particular newspapers, television and radio stations, to disseminate information on the department's activities by means of press releases, press conferences, briefings and interviews as well as press visits.

In view of the media interest in Customs' enforcement efforts on various fronts (such as in curbing copyright piracy, drug trafficking, smuggling, use of illicit fuel, contraband cigarette activities and illegal transhipment of textiles, in ensuring children's products safety and in enhancing consumer protection), officers from various formations frequently give press briefings after making major seizures and successful operations.

In 2005 and 2006 respectively, the Unit handled 12 297 and 12 001 enquiries from the press, television and radio stations as well as the public. Apart from issuing 417 press releases relating to seizures and arrests, successful prosecutions and departmental policies, the Unit also arranged a total of 79 media interviews 77 press conferences and media briefings to explain various aspects of the department's work in 2005. In 2006, the Unit issued 316 press releases, and arranged 50 media interviews. and held 63 press conferences and media briefings.

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