and Publicity
The Information Unit is responsible for the department's media
relations, publicity, publications, and public relations activities
aiming at explaining to the public the work of the department and
enhancing the department's public image.
In line with the government's open policy, the Unit makes full
use of the mass media, in particular newspapers, television and
radio stations, to disseminate information on the department's
activities by means of press releases, press conferences, briefings
and interviews as well as press visits.
In view of the media interest in Customs' enforcement efforts
on various fronts (such as in curbing copyright piracy, drug trafficking,
smuggling, use of illicit fuel, contraband cigarette activities
and illegal transhipment of textiles, in ensuring children's products
safety and in enhancing consumer protection), officers from various
formations frequently give press briefings after making major seizures
and successful operations.
In 2005 and 2006 respectively, the Unit handled 12 297 and 12
001 enquiries from the press, television and radio stations as
well as the public. Apart from issuing 417 press releases relating
to seizures and arrests, successful prosecutions and departmental
policies, the Unit also arranged a total of 79 media interviews
77 press conferences and media briefings to explain various aspects
of the department's work in 2005. In 2006, the Unit issued 316
press releases, and arranged 50 media interviews. and held 63 press
conferences and media briefings.