Intelligence Support

Enforcement results achieved in 2005 and 2006 vindicated the department's decision in mid 2002 on establishing the Intelligence Bureau (IB), which pools all intelligence resources under one formation for coordinating intelligence activities within the department.  All operational fronts received good intelligence support rendered by the bureau.

The department maintains close cooperation with various local and foreign law enforcement agencies.  In the past two years, useful intelligence was generated to enhance the department's enforcement capability and anti-terrorism alertness through intelligence exchanges with these agencies.

Underpinning the department's intelligence-led mode of operations, IB makes every effort in improving the hardware and software for intelligence analysis and dissemination, and risk management.  In August 2005, a new Customs & Excise Intelligence System (CEIS) were successfully rolled out.

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Customs & Excise Intelligent System

The CEIS provides various kinds of intelligence products and risk management application tools to facilitate cargo clearance, investigation, intelligence analysis, and research on smugglers ’ modus operandi and crime trends.  The capability of the system will be further enhanced as a Phase-II development has been kicked-off in January 2006 and will be completed in May 2007.  By then, the centralized information repository of CEIS will be enriched and more tools for intelligence handling process will be provided.  This will further strengthen the department’s intelligence-led mode of operation and enable frontline officers to make informed decision in carrying out their duties.

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