Customs Organization (WCO)
During 2005 and 2006, the department actively participated in
the WCO's meetings, including the Customs Co-operation Council
Sessions, the Permanent Technical Committee, the Enforcement Committee,
the Integrity Sub-Committee, and the Information Management Sub-Committee
and rendered full support to other activities, seminars, campaigns,
joint enforcement operations, relating to the promotion of capacity
building, customs integrity, trade facilitation, anti-piracy and
counter-terrorism measures.
In order to show our support to WCO's initiative on trade facilitation
and securing international supply chain, Hong Kong, China (HKC)
has signed the Letter of Intent to implement SAFE Framework of
Standards (SAFE FoS) on 10 November 2005. Prior to that, the department
has provided logistic support to the WCO for organizing a Consultative
High-level Meeting on SAFE FoS in Hong Kong for Members and the
Business in the Asia-Pacific Region between 22 and 24 March 2005.
Delegates from 24 Member administrations and representatives from
32 companies attended the meeting.
In June 2006, HKC submitted to the WCO Secretariat the "WCO
SAFE FoS Self-assessment Checklist", which indicated the implementation
status of various standards under the SAFE FoS in Hong Kong. A
Diagnostic Mission for the implementation of the SAFE FoS, was
taken place in the period between 4 and 15 December 2006. This
was a study conducted by the WCO Diagnostic Experts in Hong Kong
for assessing strategically the capability of HKC to reform and
modernize its Customs service, as well as providing advice on the
implementation of the SAFE FoS and the emerging World Trade Organization
(WTO) facilitation agenda. A full report, which provides a strategic
gap analysis, as well as findings and recommendations, would be
submitted by the Diagnostic Experts to HKC in early 2007.
In September 2006, HKC submitted the Member Reporting Matrix
(MRM) to the WCO Vice-Chair for the Asia Pacific Region for his
consolidation of a Regional Reporting Matrix. The MRM is a self-reporting
mechanism in assessing the progress of an administration in implementing
the WCO SAFE FoS programme.
Intelligence Liaison Office (RILO)
Since the relocation of the base of the RILO in the Asia Pacific
region (RILO-AP) to Beijing on 1 January 2004, the department continued
to render its support to the RILO-AP by deploying an officer to
work as an intelligence analyst at the Beijing office.
The department has been maintaining close liaison with the RILO-AP
in Beijing. In the year 2005 and 2006, the department exchanged intelligence
with Customs administrations in Asia Pacific region and other regions
via the RILO-AP on various occasions for follow-up investigations
on cases concerning suspected fraudulent importation and exportation
of dutiable goods and general cargoes.
with other Customs Administrations
Through regular bilateral meetings, the department has enhanced
mutual co-operation with the Mainland and other Customs administrations
by establishing strong exchange networks for combating transnational
crimes. On 22 and 23 November 2005, Deputy Commissioner Lawrence
Wong led a three-member delegation to attend the 26th Customs Cooperation
Conference with Korea Customs Service in Jeju Island of Korea.
The Conference aimed at reviewing the cooperation between the two
administrations in past year, updated each other on the recent
strategic and technological developments, and discussed various
issues of mutual and regional concern.
Commissioner Wong (right) signed an agreement
with the Deputy Commissioner of Korea Customs
Service, Mr. Park Chin-heon (left), in November
2005. |
Hong Kong Customs and Macao Customs have been maintaining close
working relationships for years. In 2005 and 2006, the two administrations
held annual meetings respectively in Macao and Hong Kong. During
the meetings, the latest developments of the two sides were introduced
and matters of mutual concern were also discussed. Other than the
annual meetings, the liaison officers of Hong Kong Customs and
Macao Customs Service also held meetings on a quarterly basis to
enhance mutual cooperation.
The Commissioner hosted the Annual Liaison Dinner on 6 January
2006. The Annual Liaison Dinner is a social function, which is
held annually for the overseas Customs and law enforcement agencies
stationed in Hong Kong to foster cooperation.
To further strengthen cooperation and mutual administrative assistance
between Hong Kong Customs and the Customs Department of Thailand,
both administrations signed a Customs Co-operative Arrangement
on 1 March 2006. The Commissioner and Director-General of Thai
Customs, Dr. Sathit Limpongpan represented their administrations
in signing the Arrangement. It marked the will of both administrations
to cooperate even more closely in such areas as fighting against
smuggling and drug trafficking, and protecting intellectual property
rights through arrangements for mutual administrative assistance
exchanged by the two sides.
Commissioner (left) and the Director-General
of Thai Customs, Dr. Sathit Limpongpan (right)
exchanged text after signing the Customs Co-operative
Arrangement. |
With a view to enhancing the cooperative relationship with the
local Consulates-General, the department held a familiarization
visit to Lok Ma Chau Control Point for a delegation of the consular
staff in Hong Kong on 24 October 2006. The delegation composed
of Consuls-General, Customs attachés and representatives
of overseas law enforcement agencies. Taking this opportunity,
the Commissioner hosted a cocktail reception for the delegation
while Mr. Lu Xinhua, Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the People’s Republic of China in Hong Kong was invited
as well.
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s
Republic of China in HKSAR, Mr Lui Xinhua (seventh
left), and Commissioner Tong (sixth left),
with the Consuls-General at the Senior Officers'
Mess" |
In regard to Mainland Customs, the department held Annual Review
Meetings in 2005 and 2006 with the General Administration of Customs
(GAC) of People’s Republic of China and its Guangdong
Sub-Administration. Liaison officers of the two sides also met
regularly during these two years to exchange information and experience
on anti-smuggling work, collaborative measures, and ways to strengthen
Customs co-operation.
Commissioner and Minister of Customs Mr. Mu Xinsheng
reviewed the cooperation and achievement on the
mutual cooperation between Hong Kong Customs
and GAC at the Annual Review Meeting in Beijing
in December 2005. |
The Guangdong Sub-Administration held the China Customs Basic
Course in Guangdong Province in 2005 and 2006 respectively. The
Shenzhen Customs District also organized visits to Huanggang and
Luohu Control Points for our frontline officers in 2006. Besides,
the department and the Mainland Customs have also organized various
training programmes and seminars for each other, covering topics
as human resource management, protection of intellectual property
rights, intelligence analysis and risk management, valuation techniques,
anti-smuggling and narcotics control.
Recognizing the importance of international cooperation with other
Customs Administrations and law enforcement agencies in combating
transnational crimes, the department continued to build up closer
working relationships with Macao Customs Service, Customs attaché and
representatives of other law enforcement agencies stationed in
Hong Kong.
The department engaged actively in the exchange of information and
intelligence on illegal activities involving smuggling, drug trafficking,
excise duty evasion, intellectual property right infringement, and
other Customs fraud. In 2005 and 2006, the department encountered
202 and 163 incidents respectively for information exchange with
overseas Customs and law enforcement agencies in more than 20 countries.
Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
The department participated actively in various meetings of the
APEC, in particular, those related to the Sub-Committee on Customs
Procedures (SCCP). Between 2005 and 2006, the department attended
workshops on Common Data Elements, and seminars on Supply Chain
Security to share experience with other APEC SCCP members as well
as to keep up with the latest development .
As the lead co-ordinator for the Collective Action Plans (CAPs)
on Public Availability of Information and Customs-Business Partnership,
the department updated the “Best Practices” handbook
on disseminating Customs information in 2005, and revised the “Customs-Business
Partnership Programmes” compendium in 2006. The handbook
provides a good reference to APEC SCCP members on the dissemination
methods of Customs information to the public while the compendium
serves as a practical guide for APEC SCCP members to develop and
enhance their own partnership programmes. Both publications can
be downloaded from the APEC website <http://www.apec.org/apec/apec_groups/
The APEC Framework for Secure Trade (same as WCO SAFE FoS) was
adopted as a new CAP item at the APEC Sub-Committee on Customs
Procedures Meeting in 2005.
In February 2006, HKC submitted the completed “APEC Framework
Capacity Building Questionnaire” to the United States, the
lead shepherd of the CAP for assessing our capacity building needs
on various aspects related to the FoS implementation.
with the Mainland Counterparts
For the prevention and detection of smuggling activities at the
land boundary, the department maintained close communication and
cooperation with the Mainland Customs. There was frequent exchange
of information and parallel/joint operations at the land boundary
control points.
Operational Co-operation
With a view to safeguarding public health, two parallel operations
code-named “Parrot” were conducted during the periods
20 - 22 February 2006 and 17 - 30 June 2006 with the Mainland Customs
at the Huanggang, Wenjindu, Shataojiao and Luohu control points.
The operations aimed at combating the smuggling of live birds and
poultry into Hong Kong by passengers and vehicles. As a result,
3 848 vehicles and 13 923 passengers were processed. 18 passengers
abandoned a total of 25.85 kilograms of fresh chicken, 5.9 kilograms
of frozen chicken, 11.5 kilograms of fresh goose and 2.8 kilograms
of frozen duck during the operations.
Other joint operations with the Mainland Customs during the period
are described below.
- Officers of Man Kam To Control Point conducted 21 joint operations
with the Shenzhen Wenjindu Customs with a view to combating the
smuggling of dutiable commodities into Hong Kong and mobile phones
out of Hong Kong by passengers. As a result, 5 cases involving
5 incoming passengers and 613 sticks of cigarette were effected.
- Officers of Lok Ma Chau Control Point conducted 14 joint operations
with the Shenzhen Huanggang Customs with a view to combating
the smuggling of dutiable commodities, counterfeit goods and
infringing optical discs into Hong Kong by incoming passengers.
As a result, 1 case involving 1 incoming passenger and 220 sticks
of cigarette were effected.
- Officers of Sha Tau Kok Control Point conducted 3 joint operations
with the Shenzhen Shataojiao Customs with a view to combating
the smuggling of dutiable commodities into Hong Kong by incoming
passengers. As a result, 2 cases involving 2 incoming passengers
and 300 sticks of cigarette were effected.
- Officers of Lo Wu Control Point conducted 7 joint operations
with the Shenzhen Lohu Customs with a view to combating the smuggling
of dutiable commodities into Hong Kong by incoming passengers.
As a result, 13 cases involving 13 passengers and 4 508 sticks
of cigarette, 0.7 litre of liquor, 4 kilograms of fresh pork
and 1 kilogram of fresh chicken were effected.
Training Co-operation
In December 2005, the department signed an agreement with the
General Administration of Customs (GAC) during the Annual Review
Meeting held in Beijing for training of drug detector dogs and
dog handlers. The GAC undertook to organize a total of four courses
in 2006 and 2007 for officers of the department at the Ruili Drug
Detector Dog Base in Yunnan. Each course will cater for three trainees
and the dogs for training are provided by GAC. The first two courses
were successfully held in 2006.
The training scheme not only provides an opportunity for exchange
of drug detector dog training techniques, but also enhances cooperation
between the two Customs Administrations.
Graduation Ceremony of the First Dog Handler
and Drug Detector Dog Training Course organized
by the General Administration of Customs at Ruili,
Yunnan. |
by Counterparts
On 9-11 November 2005, Mr. Mu Xinsheng, Minister of Customs of
GAC led a 6-member delegation to visit the department. During the
visit, Minister Mu discussed with the Commissioner the cooperation
and future development of various aspects of Customs work, including
simplified procedures on trade facilitation and co-location in
new control points to promote economic development in the Pan-Pearl
River Delta district.
of Customs, Mr Mu Xinsheng presented a souvenir
of his Chinese calligraphy "加強執法合作、促進貿易便利" to
the Commissioner during his visit to the department
in November 2005 |
On 23 January 2006, Mr Joop Wijn, State Secretary for Finance
and Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands visited
the department and discussed with the Commissioner on matters of
mutual concern.
On 13 October 2006, Ms Karien van Gennip, Minister for Foreign
Trade of the Netherlands visited the department and met with the
Commissioner to discuss matters of mutual concern.
Officers of the department at the Hong Kong International Airport
have maintained close relationship and co-operation with local
and overseas counterparts through organizing numerous receptions
of courtesy in the past two years. In 2005 and 2006, a total of
38 and 40 courtesy visits were arranged respectively. Of
the 38 visits in 2005, 15 were visits for overseas officials, 9
for Mainland officials and 14 for local agencies. For the year
2006, 17 of the visits were for overseas counterparts, ? for Mainland
officials and 7 for local agencies.
In 2005-06, Customs officers of the Airport Command conducted familiarization
visits to the Baiyuen Airport and the Pudung Airport in Mainland
China and the Incheon Airport in Korea to share experience on Customs
control at airports. In 2006, officers of the Command participated
in a training seminar in Wuyi Shan, Fuzhou as guest speakers.
with Other Government Departments
To combat various types of cross-boundary smuggling activities,
the Control Points Command mounted periodic and special joint operations
with other government departments at various entry and exit points.
Details of these operations are provided below:-
Joint Operation with Agriculture, Fisheries and
Conservation Department (AFCD)
Weekly joint operations were mounted since April 2005 with the
AFCD at the Man Kam To Control Point and Sha Tau Kok Control Point.
The operations aimed to ensure that the plant and wood products
destined for Hong Kong from the Mainland are free of Red Imported
Fire Ants.
Joint Operation with Hong Kong Police Force
Periodic joint operations were mounted with HKPF at the Lok Ma
Chau, Man Kam To and Sha Tau Kok Control Points to prevent the
smuggling of fireworks and firearms into Hong Kong. In addition,
other joint operations that aimed to detect the smuggling of stolen
trailers out of Hong Kong via the three control points were also
mounted by the two departments.
Joint Operation with Immigration Department (ImmD)
Joint operations were mounted with ImmD at the Lok Ma Chau, Man
Kam To and Sha Tau Kok Control Points to detect illegal immigrants
hiding in incoming goods vehicles.
Joint operation with Food and Environmental Hygiene
Department (FEHD)
Regular joint operations were mounted with FEHD to suppress the smuggling
of poultry and meat at all control points as well as to enhance the
control on importation of vegetables and freshwater fish from the
Mainland via the Man Kam To Control Point. Up to December 2006, 162
operations were conducted in which 3 cases were effected with a total
seizures of 932 kilograms of pork, 98.5 kilograms of poultry and
140.5 kilograms of other assorted meat amounting to $0.43 million.