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May 2024 Vol. 70
May 2024 Vol. 70
Integrity & Health

Prudent Financial Management Campaign

Hong Kong Customs has launched the "Prudent Financial Management" campaign, partnering with counselling centers to offer a 24-hour hotline for staff facing financial stress. The department also organized Departmental Seminar, integrity-building activities and contests to foster probity and instill the value of integrity.

E37.1-CE.jpg ■Financial stress support hotline promotional poster.

E37.2-CE.jpg ■Investor and Financial Education Council, presented a talk on "Dos and Don’ts on Financial Management" in November 2023.

Highlights of integrity and healthy lifestyle building activities organized by various Formation Integrity Management Committees

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-13 at 11.01.38 AM.jpeg ■The champion, first and second runner-up works of the "Integrity Poster Design Competition" jointly organized by the Office of Service Administration, the Complaint Investigation Group, and the Integrity Management Group.

E37.6-CE.jpg ■Winning work of "Logo and Motto Design Competition" organized by the Office of Training and Development.

E37.7-CE.jpg ■The winning designs from the Office of Prosecution and Management Support "Integrity Sticker Creation Competition" champion team eloquently incorporate integrity with a healthy lifestyle.

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-13 at 11.05.43 AM.jpeg ■Winning works of the champion and first runner-up of the "Healthy Lifestyle and Staff Integrity Photography cum Slogan Design Competition" organized by the Airport Command.

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-13 at 11.10.37 AM.jpeg ■Winning entires of "Integrity Poster Design Competition" organized by the Cross-boundary Bridge Command.

E37.13-CE.jpg ■The winning design and initial concept of the "Integrity Graphic Creation Competition" organized by the Land Boundary Command.

E37.14-CE.jpg ■Winning work of "Integrity Sologan Competition" organized by the Ports and Maritime Command.

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-13 at 11.15.02 AM.jpeg ■Winning entries of "Customs Integrity Culture Poster Design Competition" organized by the Rail and Ferry Command.

E37.18-CE.jpg ■Winning works of "Integrity Building Memo Pad Design Competition" organized by the Office of Dutiable Commodities Administration.

E37.19-CE.jpg ■Winning entry of the "Integrity 4-Panel Comic Strip Competition Design Competition" organized by the Office of Project Planning and Development.

E37.20-CE.jpg ■Creative submissions of "Integrity Monotone Logo Design Contest" organized by the Office of Information Technology.

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-13 at 11.18.39 AM.jpeg ■The champion, first and second runner-up works of the "Integrity Slogan Design Competition" organized by the Office of Trade Single Window Operation.

E37.24-CE.jpg ■Officers of the Office of Trade Relations and Public Communication show their creativity in the "Integrity Management Quiz Competition" and integrate integrity into their work.

E37.25-CE.JPG ■The "Integrity Building Quiz Competition" organized by the Intelligence Bureau receives enthusiastic support from colleagues.

E37.26-CE.jpg ■Officers of Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau actively participate in the "Healthy Lifestyle and Integrity Building Hiking Activity".

E37.27-CE.jpg ■Winning works of the "Integrity and Healthy Lifestyle Photo Competition" organized by the Revenue Crimes Investigation Bureau.

E37.28-CE.jpg ■Winning entries of "Integrity Management Slogan Competition" cohosted by Syndicate Crimes Investigation Bureau and Customs Financial Investigation Bureau.

E37.29-CE.jpg ■Winning entry of "Integrity Building Slogan Competition"Senior organized by the Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones Supervision Bureau.

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-13 at 11.43.49 AM.jpeg ■The "TCB Go Hiking" activity jointly organized by the six Formations under the Trade Controls Branch aim to encourage colleagues to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-13 at 11.43.49 AM (1).jpeg ■The Customs Drug Investigation Bureau hosted a "Healthy Recipe Competition" to encourage colleagues to prepare nutritious and healthy meals.