■Middle and senior managers of Hong Kong Customs visit the Palace Museum to understand the history and culture of our country comprehensively.
Twenty-five middle and senior managers of Hong Kong Customs recently completed a nine-day national studies course in Beijing. The course, organized by the Police Liaison Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Goverment in the HKSAR, aimed to deepen participants' understanding of national development and current international situations. The course is one of the key national studies programmes of the Department and was resumed for the first time since the full resumption of travel in 2023. The visit provided valuable insights into the country's high-quality development in the new era and enriched participants' understanding of our history and culture, further strengthening their sense of patriotism.
Hong Kong Customs is dedicated to deepening colleagues' understanding of our country and the Communist Party of China. In 2023, the Department introduced the "National Studies Series" seminar. The first two seminars, focusing on the Yan'an, took place in September. Participants of the National Studies Course, held in China Executive Leadership Academy of Yan'an, shared their reflections with colleagues. The course aims to enable our colleagues to fully comprehend the Yan'an Spirit, integrate it into their work and perform their customs duties with dedication.
■Visiting enterprises to understand the development and application of advanced technologies in our country.
■Four officers who attended the National Studies Course held in China Executive Leadership Academy of Yan'an shared the Yan'an Spirit with more than 500 colleagues.