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May 2023 Vol. 67
May 2023 Vol. 67
Departmental Highlights

2023 International Customs Day

2023' 國際海關節 2023' 國際海關節 The celebration of International Customs Day 2023 was a grand occasion hosted by Hong Kong Customs at the Customs Headquarters Building on 2 February 2023. The event was graced by the esteemed presence of the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, as well as over 200 distinguished guests from the Government, Executive and Legislative Councils, various offices of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong and Customs administrations of the Mainland and Macao, Consuls-General, foreign Customs attaches and private stakeholders.

Under the theme of "Nurturing the Next Generation: Promoting a Culture of Knowledge-sharing and Professional Pride in Customs", Mr Chan lauded Hong Kong Customs for its unwavering dedication and professional excellence in combating illegal activities, safeguarding national security, and promoting trade and economic growth. Mr Chan went on to present the World Customs Organization Certificates of Merit to our officers and business partners in recognition of their exceptional contribution to promoting youth development and sharing knowledge.

The Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Louise Ho, highlighted the department's efforts to nurture young Customs officers through knowledge management and cultivation of professional pride. The event also featured a vibrant lion dance performance by our Dragon and Lion Dance Team and the students from the Singapore International School(Hong Kong)and Shamshuipo Kaifong Welfare Association Primary School, signifying the continuity of generations and endless vitality.

政務司司長陳國基致辭。 ■ The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-kei, delivers a speech.
海關關長何珮珊致歡迎辭。 ■ The Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Louise Ho, delivers a welcome speech.
政務司司長陳國基(右四)及海關關長何珮珊(左四)與年青海關人員和Customs YES 成員合照留念。 ■ The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki (fourth right), and the Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Louise Ho(fourth left), take a group photo with young Customs officers and members of the Customs YES.
新加坡國際學校(香港)及深水埔街坊福利會小學的表演者,為國際海關節作精彩的醒獅表演。 ■ Students from the Singapore International School (Hong Kong) and Shumshuipo Kaifong Welfare Association Primary School perform lion dance at the International Customs Day 2023.
世界海關嘉許狀的得獎者合照留念。 ■ The awardees of the WCO Certificates of Merit at the ceremony.
政務司司長陳國基(左)頒發世界海關組織嘉獎狀予機場保安有限公司(由Mr Duncan McCosh代表接受),以表揚該公司在推動青年發展和知識共享方面的傑出貢獻。 ■ The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki (left), presents the World Customs Organization Certificates of Merit to Aviation Security Company Limited (represented by Mr Duncan McCosh), in recognition of the company’s exceptional contribution to promoting youth development and sharing knowledge.