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May 2023 Vol. 67
May 2023 Vol. 67
Departmental Highlights

Inductees of Inspector Induction Courses Visited the Shanghai Customs College to Attend National Studies and Mainland Customs Operations Course

Inductees of Inspector Induction Courses Visited  the Shanghai Customs College to Attend National Studies and Mainland Customs Operations Course The Hong Kong Customs College commits to nurturing talents with a strong sense of national identity and international perspective. For the first time from 27 to 31 March 2023 and then every time, Inspector inductees attended the National Studies and Mainland Customs Operations Course in the Shanghai Customs College(SCC).Lectures covered "One Country,Two Systems" principle, and international co-operation under the Belt and Road Initiative. Field visits included operation site of the Mainland Customs,the Memoria of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Huangpu River, as well as having exchanges with students of SCC on Chinese-style foot drill.