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May 2023 Vol. 67
May 2023 Vol. 67
Departmental Highlights

Hong Kong Customs Fully Supports National Security Education Day

Hong Kong Customs plays a significant role in safeguarding national security. To render full support to the National Security Education Day organised by the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Hong Kong Customs held the Hong Kong Customs College Open Day on 15 April 2023 to promote national security education.

The Open Day was divided into two sessions, each with a Chinese-style flag raising ceremony to commence the event. Other programmes included national security exhibitions, demonstrations by detector dogs, a virtual reality experience, game booths, a display firearms, weapons and X-ray screening system.

The Open Day, together with the Customs Gala Day, showcased the strong commitment of the Hong Kong Customs in preventing and fending off national security risks and educated the public about safeguarding national security.

海關高層人員參與開放日,與眾同樂。 ■Senior management of Hong Kong Customs participate at the Open Day to enjoy the fun with members of the public.

香港海關學院開放日以中式升旗儀式揭開序幕。 ■The Hong Kong Customs College Open Day commences with Chinese-style flag raising ceremony.

香港海關龍獅團首度公開演出,大獲好評。 ■The Hong Kong Customs Dragon and Lion Dance Association performs in public for the first time and receives great acclaim.

入場人士與龍獅表演道具拍照留念。 ■Visitors pose for a photo with dragon and lion dance costumes.

現場設攤位遊戲。 ■Game booths for visitors.

香港海關透過展覽教育大眾維護國家安全的重要性。 ■Customs and Excise Department educates the public about the importance of safeguarding national security through exhibition.

海關樂隊表演。 ■Performance of the Customs and Excise Band.

入場人士觀賞海關搜查犬示範。 ■Visitors enjoy the demonstrations by Customs detector dogs.

入場人士參觀槍械及裝備展示。 ■Visitors tour the display of weapons and equipment.

每位小朋友都透過國家安全主題遊戲贏得豐富獎品,滿載而歸。 ■Visitors participate in booth games and win prizes.

香港海關儀仗隊進行中式步操。 ■Customs and Excise Department Guards of Honour performs Chinese-style foot drill.

當日還有大抽獎,送出多份精美禮品,幸運兒自然開心! ■Visitors enter lucky draw to win fabulous gifts.

香港海關設展覽攤位介紹部門維護國家安全的多元化工作,該展覽攤位更勇奪紀律部隊推廣國家安全教育比賽金獎。 ■Hong Kong Customs sets up a booth to introduce the department’s multi-faceted work in safeguarding national security. The booth has also won the Gold Award of the Disciplined Forces National Security Education Promotion Competition.