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May 2023 Vol. 67
May 2023 Vol. 67
Community & Youth

Random Acts of Kindness Make Someone's Day

Mr Tan Ying is a committed volunteer who works wholeheartedly for the needy by paying regular visits to singleton elders, assisting in donations and facilitating rehabilitated persons' re-integration into the society. Trivial these acts may be, but they do bring together warmth and happiness to the community.

Staying positive is a key for Mr Tan to combat the challenges under the pandemic. He not only assisted in the distribution of anti-epidemic kits, but also took part in the vaccination programmes for residential care homes.
"Care for everyone. I never ask what I can get, but how I can give," said Mr Tan. ■ "Care for everyone. I never ask what I can get, but how I can give," said Mr Tan.