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May 2023 Vol. 67
May 2023 Vol. 67
Community & Youth

2nd Term Executive Committee of Customs YES Takes Post

The inaugural ceremony of the second-term of the Executive Committee(EC)of Customs YES was held on 18 January 2023, during which the Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Louise Ho, presented appointment certificates to the newly appointed Executive Director of the EC, Dr Chan Kin-keung, and 16 directors. In the ceremony, Ms Ho expressed her gratitude to the outgoing Executive Director of the first-term EC, Mr Kwan Chi-ping, for his dedicated contribution to Customs YES in the past two years.

Pooling together talents from different professions, the EC comprises official and non-official members from different sectors, including business, healthcare, innovation and technology, legal, youth services, and culture and sports, for offering advice on the sustainable development and activity strategy of Customs YES. Riding on the success of the first-term EC, the second-term EC will continue to work collaboratively to promote the "4C" core development directions of Customs YES, namely "Country", "Community", "Customs"and "Calibre" for bringing together more young people to take part in the program.
香港海關青年發展計劃 第二屆管理委員會上任 ■The Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Louise Ho(front row, centre), in a group photo with the Honorary Founding Executive Director, Mr Edgar Kwan(front row, fifth left), and the directors of the second-term of the Executive Committee of Customs YES.