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May 2023 Vol. 67
May 2023 Vol. 67
Integrity & Health

Strengthening Integrity Management

Strengthening Integrity Management In an effort to further strengthen integrity management, the directorates of the department endorsed the adoption of the Privacy Management Programme in this February in order to more effectively enforce personal data protection policies. Simultaneously, for enhancing the calibre of integrity training, themed train-the-trainer integrity seminars on the subjects of "Supervisory Responsibilities" and "Personal Data(Privacy)Ordinance" were organized in March for Superintendent Grade officers who coordinate formation level training. Additionally, in order to foster a probity corporate culture and instill the value of integrity among staff, Formation Integrity Management Committees organized various integrity building activities in financial year 2022-23, such as slogan creation competitions, quiz competitions, bookmark design competitions, and E-sticker design competitions.

廉政公署及香港個人資料私隱專員公署代表應邀出席研討會,與海關同事分享「督導責任」及「《個人資料(私隱)條例》」。 廉政公署及香港個人資料私隱專員公署代表應邀出席研討會,與海關同事分享「督導責任」及「《個人資料(私隱)條例》」。 ■Representative of ICAC and Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data are invited to present seminars on “Supervisory Accountability” and “Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance” with Customs colleagues.

科系誠信管理委員舉辦不同的誠信構建活動。 ■Integrity building activities organized by Formation Integrity Management Committees.

Highlights of integrity and healthy lifestyle building activities organized by various Formation Integrity Management Committees

同事們熱烈參與由部隊行政科、投訴調查科及誠信管理課合辦的 「誠信建設問答比賽」。 ■The "Integrity Building Quiz Competition" jointly organized by the Office of Service Administration, the Complaint Investigation Group, and the Integrity Management Group receives enthusiastic support from colleagues.

檢控及管理支援科人員大力支持「誠信管理標語創作比賽」。 ■Officers of Office of Prosecution and Management Support actively participate in the “Integrity Management Slogan Competition”.

訓練及發展科高級參事黎景豪(左)頒發獎狀予「誠信廉潔填字遊戲比賽」冠軍得主。 ■The Senior Staff Officer (Training and Development), Mr Lai King-ho (left), awards a certificate to the winner of the “Integrity Crossword Competition”.

機場科人員介紹「健康生活方式與員工誠信Facebook帖子創作比賽」的作品,評判和參加者反應都非常熱烈。 ■With the enthusiastic support of the judges and other participants, Airport Command officers present their creations for the “Healthy Lifestyle and Staff Integrity Facebook Post Creation Competition”.

跨境橋岸科人員積極支持「廉潔誠信常識問答比賽」。 ■Cross-boundary Bridge Command Officers show staunch support to the “Integrity Quiz Competition”.

陸路邊境口岸科舉辦的 「誠信推廣標語創作比賽」 冠軍作品。 ■The winning entry of the “Integrity Promotion Slogan Competition” organized by the Land Boundary Command.

港口及海域科人員踴躍參與「誠信常識問答比賽」。 ■Officers of Ports and Maritime Command actively participate in the “Integrity Quiz Competition”.

鐵路及渡輪口岸科總指揮官謝國強(左)頒發獎狀予「健康生活微電影創作比賽」的冠軍隊伍。 ■The Head of Rail and Ferry Command, Mr Tse Kwok-keung (left), awards a certificate to the winning team in the “Healthy Lifestyle Microfilm Creation Competition”.

應課税品科同事與所有海關人員一樣,做好誠信管理。冠軍作品透明的書簽設計,在陽光下盡顯心思和意義。 ■Like all Customs colleagues, officers of the Office of Dutiable Commodities Administration strongly uphold integrity management. The transparent bookmark design of the winner's work fully shows the creativity under the sunshine.

項目策劃及發展科高級參事葉慧嬋(中)頒發獎狀予「誠信海報設計比賽」的冠軍隊伍。 ■The Senior Staff Officer (Project Planning and Development), Ms Yip Wai-sim (centre), awards the winning team with a certificate of the “Integrity Poster Design Competition”.

資訊科技處人員積極參與「健康生活推廣活動」中各項有益身心的活動, 包括「健康生活」訊息貼紙設計比賽。 資訊科技處人員積極參與「健康生活推廣活動」中各項有益身心的活動, 包括「健康生活」訊息貼紙設計比賽。 資訊科技處人員積極參與「健康生活推廣活動」中各項有益身心的活動, 包括「健康生活」訊息貼紙設計比賽。 ■The Office of Information Technology staff members actively take part in a variety of healthy activities under the “Healthy Lifestyle Promotion Campaign”, including the “Healthy Lifestyle” Messaging Sticker Design Contest.

時任貿易單一窗口科高級參事許劍(左)頒發獎狀予「誠信備忘錄貼紙設計比賽」冠軍得獎者。 ■The then Senior Staff Officer (Trade Single Window Operation), Mr Hui Kim (left), awards the winner with a certificate of the “Integrity Memo-Sticker Design Competition”.

時任貿易單一窗口科高級參事許劍(左)頒發獎狀予「誠信備忘錄貼紙設計比賽」冠軍得獎者。 ■Winning work of “Integrity Memo-Sticker Design Competition”.

貿易關係及公共傳訊科人員於「誠信管理問答比賽」發揮創意,將誠信融入工作中。 ■Officers of the Office of Trade Relations and Public Communication show their creativity in the “Integrity Management Quiz Competition” and integrate integrity into their work.

毒品調查科舉辦的「健康生活攝影比賽」的得獎作品,鼓勵同事以健康生活拼湊出精彩人生。 ■Top submissions of the “Healthy Living Photography Competition” organized by the Customs Drug Investigation Bureau encourage colleagues to lead a wonderful life by adopting healthy lifestyle.

海關助理關長(情報及調查)胡偉軍(後排左三)頒發獎狀予情報科舉辦的「誠信貼紙設計比賽」得獎隊伍。 ■The Assistant Commissioner of Customs and Excise (Intelligence and Investigation), Mr Woo Wai-kwan (back row, third left), presents certificates to the winning teams of the “Integrity E-sticker Design Competition” organized by the Intelligence Bureau.

時任版權及商標調查科高級監督黃蕙荃(左三)頒發獎座予「誠信管理廉潔標語創作比賽」的冠軍隊伍。 ■The then Head of Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau, Ms Wong Wai-chuen (third left), presents a trophy to the winning team in the “Integrity Management Slogan Creation Competition”.

稅收罪案調查科舉辦的「誠信標語創作比賽」得獎者及有關得獎作品。 ■The winners and their winning works of the “Integrity Slogan Competition” organized by the Revenue Crimes Investigation Bureau.

有組織罪案調查科人員踴躍參與「誠信管理問答比賽」,參加者熱烈搶答,其他觀人員亦落力打氣。 ■Staff of the Syndicate Crimes Investigation Bureau actively participate in the “Formation Integrity Management Quiz Challenge”. Both players and audience devote in the competition.

貿易管制轄下六個主要科系聯合舉辦「TCB Go Hiking」行山遠足活動,鼓勵同事們實行健康生活模式。 ■The “TCB Go Hiking” activity jointly organized by the six Formations under the Trade Controls Branch aim to encourage colleagues to adopt a healthy lifestyle.