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May 2023 Vol. 67
May 2023 Vol. 67
Services & Facilitation

HKAEO Seminar to the Trade Industry Enabling a "Global Green Pass"

Office of Trade Relations and Public Communication(OTPC)held the Hong Kong Authorized Economic Operator(HKAEO)Programme Seminar for the trade industry at the Customs Headquarters Building(CHB)on 14 March 2023. The seminar was warmly received by close to 100 participants from four trade associations, including the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Furniture and Decoration Trade Association, Hong Kong Brands Protection Alliance, and The Professional Validation Council of Hong Kong Industries.

The seminar started off with an in-depth presentation by OTPC officers on the latest development of the HKAEO Programme. After the seminar, a visit to the Exhibition Gallery and the Indoor Firing Range at CHB was arranged.

Hong Kong Customs has been actively playing the role of "Economic Development Promoter" with an aim to enabling more local traders to join the HKAEO family. Through the Programme and its global mutual recognition network, the industry could enjoy worldwide customs facilitation and seize local and overseas business opportunities via the "Global Green Pass".

HKAEO Seminar to the Trade Industry  Enabling a "Global Green Pass" ■The Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Louise Ho, welcomes the guests attending the Hong Kong Authorized Economic Operator Programme Seminar held by OTPC.