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May 2023 Vol. 67
May 2023 Vol. 67
Services & Facilitation

The First Round of Hong Kong, China-Peru Free Trade Agreement Negotiations

Following Hong Kong and Peru jointly formally launched the Free Trade Agreement (FTA)negotiations, the first round of Hong Kong, China-Peru FTA negotiations was processed in Hong Kong in early 2023 for issues on trade in goods and services, investment, e-commerce as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. CEPA and Trade Inspection Bureau joined the negotiations for resolving issues relating to Hong Kong-originated goods exporting to Peru and introducing supervision services and facilitation provided for transshipment cargo under the FTA Scheme launched by the Hong Kong Customs. Peru continues joining the FTA Scheme and recognizes transshipment goods heading for Peru via Hong Kong from the Mainland with Certificates of Non-manipulation issued by the Department. 緊貿安排及貿易視察科首席貿易管制主任郭翠華(左二)與秘魯談判團隊進行談判。 ■The Head of CEPA and Trade Inspection Bureau, Ms Kwok Chui-wah(second left), participates in a negotiation with the Peru negotiation team.