
Training and Development

Since the establishment of a dedicated Office of Training and Development (OTD) in June 2001, the department has successfully optimised and centralised available resources to strengthen its human resources development.


Office of Training and Development

2. OTD strives continuously to provide just-in-time training and development (T&D) programmes that enables officers at all levels to acquire necessary skills to perform their tasks effectively and efficiently, to improve work performance and to take on new challenges in the changing environment.


Human Resource Development Strategies

3. The department bases its human resources development strategies upon the competency requirements on its staff in fulfilling their roles. With the dedicated and well-defined training setup, OTD organised a wide range of training programmes in 2003 and 2004 to enhance the officers’ core competencies and functional competencies (Appendix 13). T&D activities were designed in accordance with the training roadmap for officers at each grade and rank and requirements under the new performance management system.

4. To benchmark international practices and widen officers’ exposures, 97 and 105 officers attended different overseas training and attachment programmes at academic institutions, customs organisations, law enforcement administrations and training institutions in the Mainland, Australia, Canada, Korea, Southeast Asian countries, the United Kingdom and the United States respectively in 2003 and 2004.


Management Development

5. In support of the departmental initiatives in leadership development and succession planning, OTD had devised a comprehensive training and development framework to broaden the horizon of officers at Superintendent grade / Chief Trade Controls Officer grade and above. Two Customs Management Development Courses were organised for 54 Assistant Superintendents and Chief Trade Controls Officers. Executive development training offered by famous overseas universities were arranged for nine senior officers, including two Assistant Commissioners, three Senior Superintendents, three Superintendents and one Principal Trade Controls Officer.


Promotion of Learning and Continuing Development

6. Apart from classroom training, OTD also devoted considerable efforts and resources to produce training videos and multi-media self-learning packages. The development of web-based training programmes in particular was one of OTD’s major initiatives for promotion of learning. In 2003 and 2004, a number of web-based courses in both generic and professional topics such as "Job-related Putonghua", "Video Interviewing System" and "Personal Financial Budgeting", were produced and uploaded onto the cyber learning platform (CLC Plus) of the Civil Service Training and Development Institute. Officers are now able to get access to the e-learning programme at their own pace and preferred time.

7. As quality assurance of Customs professionalism and driving force for continuing development, annual Promotion Qualifying Examinations (PQE) were organised by OTD for Inspectors and Customs Officers respectively. So far 313 Inspectors and 1 510 Customs Offices have passed the examinations.

8. In recognition of the high standards of the PQE and other formal in-house training programmes of the department, the Open University of Hong Kong launched a credit unit exemption scheme for Customs officers in early 2004. Inspectors, Customs Officers and Trade Controls Officers who enrolled in studying the Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) degree in Law Enforcement and Security Management were granted different degree of exemptions.


Regional Training Centre of WCO

9. In March 2004, Hong Kong Customs and Excise Training School (HKCETS) was appointed by the World Customs Organization (WCO) as a regional training centre in the Asia Pacific Region.


Way Forward

10. OTD, being an executive arm of Senior Management, will continue to provide support for departmental initiatives and new programmes. It will also upkeep its efforts to ensure professionalism and achievement in its human resource development activities. To attain continuous improvement, OTD will conduct a review on its structure, division of roles and development strategies.

11. Meanwhile, OTD will take strategic move into the international arena. The department had been participating actively in the World Customs Organization (WCO) activities. The appointment by WCO of HKCETS as a regional training centre has further enhanced the implementation of global partnership in training. OTD is ready to take on a key role in such professional exchange and benchmarking activities in the Asian Pacific Region.


Quality Service Assurance Programme

12. In 2003, a systematic Quality Service Assurance Programme (QSAP) was introduced at the Hong Kong International Airport with an aim to strengthening officers' competency in using inspection equipment, to enhance operational effectiveness and efficiency as well as to boost staff morale. It was a tailor-made training package featuring a continuous training "loop" system with four components: training, exercise, evaluation and review. According to the "Efficiency Measurements" conducted before and after QSAP, the capability in using X-ray checker and ion-scanner increased tremendously for those who had participated in QSAP. For the creativity and effectiveness in achieving better operational results of QSAP, Customs officers serving at the Airport won a substantial award in the 2003 Departmental Staff Suggestion Scheme. The department is also considering to adopt QSAP as a departmental wide training model.


Communication Skills Workshop

13. To promote and achieve effective communication internally and externally, both with the travellers and our business counterparts, six communication skills workshops were launched for Customs Officer Grade (COG) officers in 2003 to strengthen their day-to-day communication skills. Separately, nine similar training sessions were also organised for Chief Customs Officers and Inspectorates serving at the Airport focusing on their role as middle manager, a communication bridge within the organisation. These training workshops were proved to be effective and were well received by all staff.


English Enhancement and Cultural Sensitivity Course

14. In order to enhance the proficiency in English of Customs frontline staff and to provide quality services to customers and business partners of the airport community, four English Enhancement Courses were organised in 2003 for COG officers. In two of these courses, an officer of the UK Embassy was invited to give talk on the cultural traditions and customs of the western community. The course was beneficial to frontline officers in handling and understanding the behaviours of foreign visitors.


Briefing on Endangered Species

15. In order to equip Customs frontline officers with the necessary knowledge on the control of endangered species and to keep them abreast of the latest development on the legislative amendment to the Schedules of the Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance, Cap 187, officers from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department were invited to deliver briefing sessions on the subject in July and October 2004. The sessions were found very useful by the frontline officers.


Cultural Sensitivity and Job-related Putonghua Self-learning Package

16. In order to enhance officers’ Putonghua communication skills, a ‘Job-related Putonghua Self-learning Package’ was produced and distributed to the officers at the Airport for self-learning in December 2004. As part of the training programme, Deputy Director of the Economic Affairs Department, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R., had assisted in delivering a Putonghua and Cultural Sensitivity Talk to Customs officers serving at the Airport. The talk enriched the participants’ knowledge on different customs and cultural traditions of visitors from the Mainland.

17. In addition, a four-hour Putonghua Communication Workshop was organised for senior management at the Airport. The classroom training provided invaluable opportunity for officers to discuss and solve those problems they identified during their self-learning process. The Self-learning Package and the Workshop could help enhancing the quality of customer service of the department as a whole.