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Aug 2023 Vol. 68
Aug 2023 Vol. 68
Staff Corner

Customs and Excise Service Children’s Education Trust Fund Scholarships Presentation Ceremony

The Scholarships Presentation Ceremony 2022-23 was held on 28 July 2023. We were honoured to have the Chairman of Trust Fund Committee, Mr Benedict Sin; the Honorary Advisor, Mr Steve Lau; member of the Trust Fund Investment Advisory Board, Dr Eric Cheng; convenor of the Trust Fund Investment Strategy Expert Group, Mr Fung Ka-pun; members Ms Julia Lau and Mr Wayne Cheung to present scholarships to the recipients.

During the ceremony, Dean’s List Scholarship recipient, Mr Michael Kwok, encouraged students to step out of their comfort zones for personal growth. His father, Chief Customs Officer Mr Kwok Shu-piu, emphasized the importance of gaining various experiences beyond textbooks.

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Scholarship recipient, Miss Lai Tsz-to, shared the significance of setting goals and self-discipline. Her father, Chief Customs Officer Mr Lai Wai-ming, cultivated the spirit of never giving up and enjoying the learning process with his daughter.

30-1.JPG ■Dean’s List Scholarship recipient Mr Michael Kwok Ka-hin and his father, Chief Customs Officer Mr Kwok Shu-piu shared their experience on study and parenting.

30-2.jpg ■The Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Louise Ho (first row, centre), guests, senior officers, scholarship recipients and their families gathered to celebrate achievements of customs officers’ children and share happiness.

30-3.jpg ■Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Scholarship recipient Miss Lai Tsz-to and her father, Chief Customs Officer Mr Lai Wai-ming shared their experience on learning.