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Aug 2023 Vol. 68
Aug 2023 Vol. 68
Departmental Highlights

HK Customs Establishes Regional Dog Training Centre to Strengthen Canine Enforcement

To tie in with the rapid development of the Mainland at the international level, Hong Kong Customs proposed to the World Customs Organization (WCO) in August 2022 to establish a Regional Dog Training Centre (RDTC) in Hong Kong. The proposal was supported by the WCO and a Memorandum of Understanding was signed in Brussels, Belgium in June 2023 to formalize the status of Hong Kong Customs as one of the RDTC of the Asia-Pacific Region.

As a RDTC, Hong Kong Customs will organize canine training courses, seminars, workshops, etc. for WCO A/P members as well as our Mainland counterparts in the Greater Bay Area. The first significant event to be hosted by Hong Kong Customs in the new capacity is the 6th WCO Global Canine Forum which has been scheduled for March 2024. The Forum will bring together WCO members, relevant international organizations, canine experts etc., from all corners of the world to exchange expertise and best practices in canine training and enforcement. Through active engagement with veteran dog units across the globe, our canine force enforcement capability will undoubtedly be elevated to a new level while department’s international standing in the canine profession fully affirmed.

B2.1 - E.jpg ■After becoming a RDTC, Hong Kong Customs will organize canine training courses, seminars, workshops, etc. for WCO members in the Asia-Pacific region to elevate their canine force enforcement capability.

2CD0DA950F85478F8F7400C471FFD679_O.jpg ■The Memorandum of Understanding was signed in Brussels, Belgium formalizing the status of Hong Kong Customs as one of the RDTC of the A/P Region.