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Aug 2023 Vol. 68
Aug 2023 Vol. 68
Consumer Protection

Beware of sale pitfalls of vacation club membership

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Summer vacation is the peak season for travelling. There were cases where traders applied unfair trade practices to sell expensive vacation club memberships. Hong Kong Customs thus reminds consumers about common unfair trade practices in the sale of vacation club membership to avoid traps employing sale tricks and financial losses.

Unscrupulous traders would approach consumers through telephone surveys, lure them with free gifts and invite them to collect them in person. When the consumers arrive, the traders will put the customers at ease by pretending to be interested in their travel experience. The process often lasts for several hours, during which different salespersons will take turns in selling the memberships. Those memberships are expensive, and the salespersons will persuade consumers to purchase them using installment payments, loans, etc.

Customs reminds consumers to carefully consider their needs and financial situation before making transactional decision. Meanwhile, consumers should read the contract terms carefully before signing, especially paying attention to if any additional administrative fee is involved. Stand firm if you do not want to buy it.

Photo 1_Timeshare_UTP_v2.JPG ■Tips to remind the public to beware of the sale pitfalls of vacation club membership.