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Aug 2023 Vol. 68
Aug 2023 Vol. 68
Departmental Highlights

Unveiling the Majestic Mastery: The Captivating Performance and Pristine Pride of the Guards of Honor

On significant occasions like the flag raising ceremony for the anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR or National Security Education Day, it is customary to have Customs and Excise Department Guards of Honour to participate in the flag raising ceremony or perform Chinese-style foot drill. Though Ms Lee Wai-luen and Mr Fong Ngo-hin joined the Guards of Honour in different period, their participation have brought both of them unexpected prestige and enjoyment.

CF230814CUSTOMS001.jpg Member of Guards of Honour, Lee Wai-luen (Audrey) (Right) has been a member of the Guards of Honour for several years and has witnessed the transformation of the foot drill style. She has embraced the demanding and exquisite Chinese-style foot drill since 2021, showcasing the determination of customs officers to progress. Audrey points out that it is crucial to maintain the overall appearance of the Guards of Honour. The physical requirements for Guards of Honour are also demanding. They have to endure outdoor practice and hold a gun weighing about 3.8 kg in one hand during practice. Audrey and her fellow members would always encourage each other to improve their physical strength. She feels immensely privileged to be part of the Guards of Honour, attending numerous significant events and finding the experience worthwhile.

Member of Guards of Honour, Fong Ngo-hin (Hin) (Left) joined the Guards of Honour in early 2023 and has been undergoing training in Chinese-style foot drill. He reveals that Chinese-style foot drill places significant emphasis on uniformity and teamwork, providing him with a precious opportunity to challenge himself. Each practice and performance is a valuable growth opportunity for him and he would actively review his performance in order to improve team co-ordination. Surprisingly, participating in the Guards of Honour has allowed him to collaborate with colleagues from other departments. He also enjoys having dinner with fellow members and listening to experiences of senior members, which greatly benefits him. Despite the demanding practice hours and physical requirements, the team's encouragement, applause, and friendship make it all worthwhile for Hin.