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Aug 2023 Vol. 68
Aug 2023 Vol. 68
Departmental Highlights

Hong Kong Customs Unanimously Nominated As WCO Vice-Chairperson for Asia/Pacific Region (2024-26)

As a member of the World Customs Organization (WCO) since 1987, Hong Kong Customs has been actively participating in the WCO activities and regional events, devoted to promoting co-operation among the members in the Asia/Pacific (A/P) region. Under the "One Country, Two Systems", Hong Kong has the distinctive advantages of enjoying strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world. Hence, Hong Kong Customs was determined to join the election for the WCO Vice-Chairperson for the A/P Region (2024-26), striving to shoulder and perform the leading role as "promoter" and "facilitator" in full scale, sparing no effort in raising the voice of Hong Kong in the WCO, and telling good stories of the country and Hong Kong.

During the 24th WCO A/P Regional Heads of Customs Administrations Conference, Hong Kong Customs (in the name of Hong Kong, China) was unanimously nominated by the members of the A/P Region as the next Vice-Chairperson. Subject to confirmation at the Customs Co-operation Council Sessions held in June 2024, Hong Kong, China, will officially succeed Australia as the WCO Vice-Chairperson for the A/P Region in July 2024 for two years until June 2026.

Major roles and responsibilities of the WCO Vice-Chairperson for the Asia/Pacific (A/P) Region:

  • being the representative of the A/P region and keeping the WCO informed of the regional interests;
  • promoting co-operation between regional members and greater involvement of members in the WCO’s activities;
  • coordinating the formulation, implementation and monitoring of the Regional Strategic Plan;
  • promoting the WCO’s initiatives in the A/P region;
  • organising regular regional meetings to foster the WCO’s activities and hold discussions on the future development directions on issues of common concern; and
  • maintaining the WCO A/P website and producing periodic WCO A/P Customs News.

01 - E.jpg ■The Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Louise Ho (left), outlines the vision and aspiration of Hong Kong Customs, in the name of Hong Kong, China, as the WCO Vice-Chairperson for the Asia/Pacific Region at the 24th WCO Asia/Pacific Regional Heads of Customs Administrations Conference.

2 (1).jpg ■Hong Kong Customs (in the name of Hong Kong, China) was unanimously norminated by A/P members as the next WCO Vice-Chairperson A/P during the 141st/142nd Customs Co-operation Council Sessions of the WCO held in Brussels, Belgium in this June.

國家海關總署署長.png ■The Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Louise Ho (second right), exchanges views with the Minister of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China, Mr Yu Jianhua (second left), at the Customs Co-operation Council Sessions of the WCO this June.