Warehouse and Customs Attendance
Dutiable goods should be stored in a bonded warehouse unless the full duty is paid. Any persons operating a warehouse for the storage of dutiable goods should possess a warehouse licence and are required to ensure safekeeping and accurate recording of the goods in their warehouses.
List of General Bonded Warehouses, Public Bonded Warehouses and C&E Warehouses Corresponding Excel FileCorresponding CSV FileData Specification for Corresponding CSV File
How to Arrange Customs Attendance
Customs attendance is necessary in the following circumstances:
- destruction of dutiable goods;
- sample drawing;
- checking of markings;
- denaturing of liquors; and
- appointment of Customs attendance has been imposed as a permit condition.
Apart from supervision of destruction of dutiable goods or specially required by the Department, Customs attendance fees are generally waived.
Customs attendance appointments should be made in writing at least ONE working day in advance by:
(852) 3525 1290 or
Electronic Data-Interchange System for Dutiable Commodities Permits (EDI-DCP)
Tel : (852) 2424 4496
Email: customsenquiry@customs.gov.hk