Optical Disc Mastering and Replication Equipment
The Customs & Excise Department is responsible for issuing and endorsing the following licences and notification for optical disc mastering and replication equipment:
Any persons, who import or export Optical Disc Mastering and Replication Equipment (ODMRE), are required to apply for import or export licence. Application can be made by two means.
By online application:
Applicant may apply for import or export licence for ODMRE through the Trade Single Window.
By paper application:
Applicant may apply for import or export licence for ODMRE by completing the following application forms.
- for import: Form 3 (TRA 187) and supplement to import licence (CED 372
- for export: Form 6 (TRA394) and supplement to export licence (CED 373
- for removal: Release Authorization for Removal of ODMRE (CED 371
/ Online Form)
Form 3 (TRA187) and Form 6 (TRA394) are available for sale at the Trade and Industry Department.
CED 371, CED 372 and CED 373 are available at:
Customs and Excise Department
Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau
Intellectual Property Intelligence and Licensing Division
3/F, Customs Headquarters Building
222 Java Road, North Point
Hong Kong
Tel : | (852) 2851 1625 |
Fax : | (852) 2716 3261 |
Email : | customsenquiry@customs.gov.hk |
The completed Forms should be submitted in person or by registered post to the above address. A drop-in box is also available there for the collection of forms outside office hours.
Documents required
Application for Import Licence
Photocopy of :
- Business Registration Certificate or applicant's identity card; and
- bill of lading or air waybill
You may be required to produce the original of these documents for inspection.
Application for Export Licence
Photocopy of :
- Business Registration Certificate or applicant's identity card; and
- contract of sale; or invoice; or shipping order; or import authorization.
You may be required to produce the original of these documents for inspection.
Application for Change of particulars of a licence
By online application:
Change of particulars of a licence can be processed through the Trade Single Window.
By paper application:
For the change of departure day, quantity of articles, vehicle number and name of vessel, please bring an application letter together with the original licence and other supporting documents to the issuing office for processing.
For the change of vehicle type, please apply for a fresh licence and bring along the approved import or export licence for cancellation.
Cancellation of licence
By online application:
Cancellation of licence can be processed through the Trade Single Window.
By paper application:
The unused licences should be returned with an explanation letter to the issuing office for cancellation as soon as possible or not later than 7 days after the licence expires.
No person shall manufacture pre-recorded or blank optical discs in except with a valid licence issued under section 3 of the Prevention of Copyright Piracy Ordinance, Chapter 544, Laws of Hong Kong. It is also stipulated under section 4 that no licensee shall manufacture optical discs in any place other than a licensed premises.
Optical disc manufacturers are also required to mark on the read-through side of every disc with a manufacturer's code assigned by the Commissioner of Customs & Excise to indicate its source of production. The code must be etched, engraved or otherwise indelibly marked in such manner that the manufacturer's code is legible upon a visual examination of the optical disc.
Any persons applying for a licence for the manufacture of optical discs should complete Form CED 361 / Online Form. The Form is obtainable at:
Customs and Excise Department
Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau
Intellectual Property Licensing and Liaison Division
3/F, Customs Headquarters Building
222 Java Road, North Point
Hong Kong
The completed Form should be submitted in person or by registered post to the above address. A drop-in box is also available there for the collection of forms outside office hours.
Licence fee
The licence fee is $5,500 and is valid for a period not exceeding 3 years from the date of payment.
Processing Applications and Factory Inspection
After an applicant submits the application form and all necessary supporting documents, the Intellectual Property Licensing and Liaison Division of the Department will contact him/her within one week for making an appointment for inspection of manufacturing premises.
Under normal circumstances, an applicant will be informed of the result within 14 working days from the date of submission of his / her application. He / She will be notified for collection of the licence once it is available.
Register on Optical Disc Manufacturers Licence holders
The Register on the Licensees is available here.
Tel : | (852) 2851 1625 |
Fax : | (852) 2716 3261 |
Email: | customsenquiry@customs.gov.hk |
Transhipment Notification System for Optical Disc Mastering and Replication Equipment (ODMRE)
Any persons applying for a notification for transhipment of ODMRE should complete application form in advance of the arrival of the shipment. Application can be made by two means.
By online application:
Applicant may apply for transhipment notification for ODMRE through the Trade Single Window.
By paper application:
Applicant may apply for transhipment notification for ODMRE by completing form CED 382 (a sample for viewing only). Please obtain the form at the following address. The completed form should be submitted in person or by registered post to the same office.
Customs and Excise Department
Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau
Intellectual Property Intelligence and Licensing Division
3/F, Customs Headquarters Building
222 Java Road, North Point
Hong Kong
A drop-in box is also available there for the collection of forms outside office hours.
Tel : | (852) 2851 1625 |
Fax : | (852) 2716 3261 |
Email : | customsenquiry@customs.gov.hk |
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