The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) implements a comprehensive and stringent control over the import and export of strategic commodities to prevent HKSAR from being used as a conduit for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, while at the same time to ensure the free flow of advanced technology for legitimate commercial, industrial and research use.

The Customs and Excise Department is the sole enforcement agency for strategic trade controls. It is mainly responsible for:


Strategic commodities are specified in the Schedules 1, 2 and 3 to the Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations, Chapter 60G,Laws of Hong Kong.

Licensing Control

As stipulated in the Import and Export Ordinance, Chapter 60, Laws of Hong Kong, a licence issued by the Director-General of Trade and Industry is required for the import / export / re-export / transshipment of every shipment of strategic commodities.

Sensitive strategic commodities such as nuclear-related articles and munitions specified in Schedule 2 to the Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations are also subject to licensing control when transiting through HKSAR.

Advice to Traders

Trading Firms, Carriers, Logistics Companies and Secretarial Service Companies are advised to read the Guidance Note on Import and Export of Strategic Commodities and Know Your Customers Guidance of the Trade and Industry Department.


As stipulated in the Import and Export Ordinance, Chapter 60, Laws of Hong Kong, any person who imports or exports any strategic commodities not under and in accordance with an import or export licence commits an offence and is liable:

Enforcement Results on Strategic Commodities

In 2023, the Department:

Major types of commodities involved in the prosecution cases:

  Category *
Integrated Circuit 3A001
Systems / Equipment / Integrated Circuits for Information Security 5A002

* Under the Strategic Commodities Control List of HKSAR.

Recent Cases Highlight